Bill of Materials, Manufacturing and Digital Transformation

OpenBOM (
3 min readAug 15, 2017


Last year, we had the privilege to sponsor Develop3D Live Boston event.

Check the website with videos and and presentations, here. I had few chances to watch all the presentations after the event and last weekend I’ve been catching up on some of them.

One presentation caught my attention, Common Mistakes of entrepreneurs and innovation trends by Sean Dalton of Highland Capital. One of the most interesting things that tickled my interest was “Digital Transformation.” Here is a slide I captured from the presentation.

Picture credit Highland Capital (Sean Dalton presentation)

Digital transformation is happening around us and it wasn’t surprising to read. However, the following slide was really my favorite.

Picture credit Highland Capital (Sean Dalton presentation)

I found that slide insightful and it resonated with the things we are doing at openBoM. It is a combination digital enablement with process digitalization with everything related to manufacturing. Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS) is a way of transforming the process of production to a new level. The key element of this process is data and information about the product. Check one of my earlier blog post on Beyond PLM, 3 roadblocks to digital transformation.

openBOM technology managing connected Bill of Materials amongst engineers, suppliers and contractors is an enablement of manufacturing process transformation. The BOM is the lifeblood which connects people and turns process and communication into a digital process. The following video gives you an idea of just how fast openBoM can help you create a BOM from Onshape (another company mentioned by Sean Dalton in his presentation) and share this BOM contractors and suppliers.

These days, we are excited to share more information with about the soon to be released openBoM for Production feature. Check out an earlier post, here. It will allow organizational production planning and ordering for manufacturing companies. The key difference is the ability to connect companies located in different places and help them to coordinate production digitally. Think about it as a manufacturing network where everyone stays on the same BOM.

Future Manufacturing Network enabled by openBoM (TM)

Conclusion. Digital transformation is a big trend that will change manufacturing forever. It is a new industrial revolution that is coming from the world of software and will make manufacturing global and better connected. It is about data, however, which is the new oil with the ability to optimize manufacturing by the analysis of Bill of Materials and related data.

If you’re interested in learning more about openBoM for Production planning, send me an email.

Best, Oleg @

PS. We should know each other better. If you live in a Greater Boston, please let’s have a meeting (coffee is on me). If you’re located in other places, let’s have a virtual coffee session — I will figure out how to send you a real coffee for our virtual coffee session.



OpenBOM (

Online tool to manage you Bill of Materials and Part Catalogs. Real-time collaboration for teams and supplier, sync data with CAD, PLM, ERP. More -