Open Flutter Project: The Code Improvement Challenge

Andrey Poteryahin
3 min readMar 6, 2020


The Code Improvement Challenge

We are happy to announce that next week starting with March 9th till March 15th we will have “The Code Improvement Challenge”. We all have our best practices that were validated by previous projects and experience. We usually learn them from articles, answers on StackOverflow or reviewing others’ code and to make conclusions ourselves. The idea behind the competition is to improve your Flutter development skills within a set period in a group of other enthusiasts. The challenge will last for a week when everyone can propose a code improvement for the app we build and submit it with a pull request.

Possible improvement:

  1. Widgets. We have quite a few widgets to developed already that can be improved. The is an Easter Egg right in the article with a widget description. What you can do is optimize current widgets and their usage.
  2. Bloc improvements. Things connected to events, states and Bloc can be revised as well. Read more on that in Flutter Bloc.
  3. Flutter clean architecture implementation and improvements. You can do in this part updates for data or domain part of the app. You can find more info about Flutter’s clean architecture here.
  4. Continuous integration / Continuous Development. Add your widget, unit and integration tests in the test folder. Propose GitHub CI/CD workflow updates.

Take a look at the list of tasks and issues we have. If you are ready to do one of them or part of them add a comment to the issue so we can assign you to that task.

How will it look like?

You can start submitting propositions within pull requests at any time. You can do it till midnight on March 15th by GMT+0 timezone. We will need some time to review all pull requests and figure out top updates.

How do will we identify top improvements?

Using common sense. If you just update a function name to make it more readable is a lot less than implementing Bloc or data access layer methods for a component. The top contributors during the Code Improvement Challenge will be listed in the results of those competitions. To get more information on our development process take a look at “How to contribute to E-commerce App?” and “Open Flutter Project: developers guidelines”. Important updates of you should be aware of:

  1. We are using pedantic_package. Keep your code clear and easy to understand, avoid unnecessary elements like not used imports.
  2. We are using flutter_clean_architecture. Make all your updates according to that structure.

How can you take part in the challenge?

Anyone with Flutter developer skills and some free time.

Why should you spend time on that?

You can learn something new and try it on a real project. If you are willing to contribute to our project but do not have enough time to take a task or solve an issue the competition is a way to make your input. That is the quickest way to become part of the team. You can read more about reasons to join an open-source project in those two articles “7 reasons for a developer to contribute to open-source projects” and “What will you learn by taking part in open source projects?”.

What’s next?

Visit our E-commerce App GitHub and see what you can propose to make better. Join our Open Flutter Project LinkedIn Group.



