Open Flutter Project: How to contribute to E-commerce App?

Andrey Poteryahin
3 min readFeb 25, 2020


Start contributing to Open Source

Our congratulations. You had joined Open Flutter Project community where we share experience and contribute to open source projects. If not you can join now.

We will discuss in this article what we do and why and how you can start contributing to the Open Source project we are working on. We are building a commercially valuable product that small and medium businesses can afford. E-commerce cross-platform mobile app design is available here “Open Flutter Project: E-commerce App”. We started in January 2020 and are currently doing the app using the Flutter framework. Our roadmap describes key milestones include UI development in Flutter, setting up server API, implementing the ordering process and integration with other services, introduction to first customers and customization for them.

There are quite a few reasons to join an Open Source project. Some of them are described in “7 reasons for a developer to contribute to open-source projects”. You can see the brief overview below:

1. Improve your skills.

2. Do things you are not able to do at your work.

3. Start your career. If you are new to the Flutter or development process take a look at “What will you learn by taking part in open source projects?

4. Prove your qualification

5. Contribute to providing meaningful results to the real user needs.

6. Get to know new people.

7. Become part of the community.

The app creation contains another goal of Flutter popularization and Flutter developers community creation where we can improve our skills and implement other projects too.

Even though the design is done the idea of the app is a bit wider. We want to improve the app on an ongoing basis and identify improvements based on open discussion. For that purpose there is a set of articles about each part of the app:

  1. Product categories in E-commerce App
  2. Product list and hashtags in E-commerce App
  3. Product details in E-commerce App
  4. Product reviews in E-commerce App
  5. Product filters in E-commerce App
  6. Product Cart and Checkout in E-commerce App
  7. Home and Splash Screens in E-commerce App

Add your comments and propositions to affect the resulting app.

Our GitHub repository can be found here:

If you are ready to start please read Our Developers guidelines and Flutter Bloc architecture we use.

A few words about the overall development process. The app is divided into a list of functionalities like category list, product list, product details, product cart, checkout, my orders, sign in / sign up, my profile, profile settings, and others. There are labels to each one of them to filter tasks in the list of issues on GitHub. Nearest milestones are finishing Flutter UI and First App Release. You can find them in the milestones on GitHub.

If you are ready to be part of our team, send me a message on LinkedIn.



