How to Use ChatGPT and Synthesia AI to Generate Passive Income on YouTube

3 min readAug 28, 2023


Hello, dear readers! If you’ve been scouring the internet for innovative ways to make a passive income, you’re in for a treat. Today, I’ll be unveiling the secrets of using two groundbreaking tools, ChatGPT and Synthesia AI, to carve out a niche for yourself on YouTube. And if you stick around till the end, I’ll also share some alternative methods to boost your earnings using these tools. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s dive in!

1. Understanding the Powerhouses: ChatGPT & Synthesia AI

Before we delve into the ‘how-to’, it’s essential to understand what these tools are:

  • ChatGPT: Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is not just any language model. It’s designed to understand context, making its generated content more coherent and human-like. Whether you’re looking to draft scripts, answer audience queries, or even brainstorm video ideas, ChatGPT is your go-to tool.
  • Synthesia AI: Gone are the days when you needed high-end equipment and a studio setup for video creation. With Synthesia AI, you can create videos with virtual actors. Customize their appearance, voice, and even the language they speak in. It’s like having a global film studio at your fingertips!

2. Setting the Stage: Your YouTube Channel

Before you start, think about your brand. What’s your channel’s theme? What value will you provide to your audience? Design a catchy logo, create an engaging banner, and draft a compelling ‘About’ section. Remember, first impressions count!

3. Content Creation with ChatGPT

  • Step 1: Research trending topics or evergreen niches. Tools like Google Trends can be invaluable. Identify a niche or topic. It could be anything from ‘Daily Motivational Quotes’ to ‘Historical Facts’
  • Step 2: Use ChatGPT not just to generate content, but also to refine it. For instance, if you’re unsure about a quote’s wording, ask ChatGPT for alternatives.
  • Step 3: Consistency doesn’t mean daily uploads. It means setting a schedule — whether it’s weekly or bi-weekly — and sticking to it. Use tools like TubeBuddy to find the best times to post.

4. Bringing Content to Life with Synthesia AI

  • Step 1: Take your refined content and think about visualization. How can a virtual actor best convey your message?
  • Step 2: Synthesia AI offers a plethora of customization options. Experiment with different backgrounds, actor appearances, and even emotions to best fit your content’s tone.
  • Step 3: SEO is crucial. When uploading to YouTube, ensure your video titles, descriptions, and tags are optimized for search. Tools like VidIQ can help.

5. Monetization

Once you’ve garnered enough views and subscribers, apply for the YouTube Partner Program. With ads running on your videos, you’ll start earning!

Monetization isn’t just about ads. Think about sponsorships, merchandise, or even premium content. Engage with your audience, run polls, and find out what they’re willing to pay for. Remember, diversifying your income streams is key to financial stability.

6. Alternative Methods for Passive Income

  • Tutorials: There’s a vast audience looking to understand AI and its applications. Create beginner-friendly tutorials explaining the basics of ChatGPT and Synthesia AI. Offer advanced tutorials as paid courses.
  • Affiliate Marketing: It’s not just about dropping links. Create genuine reviews, comparisons, or tutorials and then integrate affiliate links naturally. Always disclose to your audience when using affiliate links.

7. Engage and Grow

Engagement is the lifeblood of any YouTube channel. Host live Q&A sessions, collaborate with other YouTubers, or even run contests. The more you engage, the more YouTube’s algorithm favors you, leading to more visibility and growth.

In Conclusion

While tools like ChatGPT and Synthesia AI can significantly streamline content creation, the heart of any successful YouTube channel lies in genuine engagement and value provision. Embrace these tools, but never lose the human touch. Your journey to passive income is a marathon, not a sprint. So, pace yourself, learn continuously, and most importantly, enjoy the process!

I hope these expanded details provide a clearer roadmap for your venture!

Disclaimer: This article has affiliate links

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Geoff on Expert in AI, providing insightful articles on its complexities and practical uses, with a focus on enhancing productivity.