My Top 10 ChatGPT-Powered Passive Income Side Hustle Ideas

5 min readNov 29, 2023
Image by DALL.E 3

Hey there, future moguls! Are you ready to dive into the world of passive income? With the rise of AI technology, particularly ChatGPT, there’s never been a better time to start a side hustle. Let me guide you through ten incredible ways to use ChatGPT to build income streams that work while you sleep. Let’s get started!

1. Content Creation: Your Gateway to Passive Earnings

Did you know you can use ChatGPT to churn out engaging blog posts, articles, or even eBooks? Picture this: you’re sipping coffee while ChatGPT helps draft your next bestseller. Once published, monetize through ads, affiliate marketing, or sell directly on Amazon Kindle. Imagine your words reaching thousands, earning you a steady income!

2. Social Media Engagement: Turning Likes into Bucks

Social media isn’t just for cat videos anymore. It’s a goldmine! With ChatGPT, create posts that make your audience laugh, think, and engage. As your following grows, so do opportunities for sponsored posts and affiliate marketing. Remember, every like and share could be a step towards your next paycheck.

3. Email Newsletters: The Art of Inbox Earnings




Geoff on Expert in AI, providing insightful articles on its complexities and practical uses, with a focus on enhancing productivity.