A sense of accomplishment can make winning a habit.

3 min readJun 6, 2018


Anticipation is the mental preparation we all go through if we are expecting something by the end of the activity. It might be an encouraging comment, may be a favorable decision from your boss or a token of appreciation from your co-workers. What happens when you did cross the line but nothing you anticipated happens? The hard working person may start stressing out a bit about the boss or the coworkers’ negative reaction.

Today more than ever, organizations rely on the energy, commitment and engagement of their workforce in order to survive and thrive in the twenty-first century. — Forbes.

We agree with them, plenty do and we are sure you’re one among us. But even the most result focused companies find it harder to create the engaging, motivated work culture. Then spend millions on keeping the work place happy but still the culture is negative and outcomes are undesirable.

9000 people a month are trying to find out ideas to keep their workplace engaged — Source Ubersuggest by Neil Patel.

I am not gonna write you a checklist of 49 ideas to keep your workplace engaged but instead recommend you one practice to follow and see by yourself the changes that happen. Give a token of appreciation and allow everyone to give it to others regularly. It can be something very small, but keep it gentle and make it feel like everyone has a shot if they try harder.

Instead of eyeing the one who comes late every morning, appreciate the one who consistently makes it on time (if that’s what you’re expecting out of your team).

Appreciate them regularly and popularize the person for the same, so he/she doesn’t feel like ‘it’s no longer exciting’. Most people feel powerful when they are popular and become excited about new responsibilities. Remember, with great power comes great responsibilities.

The team soon realize what’s really important, what’s not, they feel valued for who they are and what they do to your company and in that moment as a captain you’ve created a positive work culture which plenty are struggling to achieve. You brought something to the table which is an art rather than science that can only lift your results from there.

You can try this out without any assistance or you can use our product as well, whatever fits you.

Orcaso is a simple Gamified task manager that uses point based motivation to create a positive work culture. Remember, we also take care of rewarding your team with gifts. To see how it has helped improve various work environments, read about the TournamentOS case study here.

Written by Deepak Kumar, Chief Everything Officer at Orcaso. We are hiring. Reach out to us on Angel.co

Will be happy to hear feedback, comments and willing to answer your questions.

