Creating a motivated work culture using whiteboard.

3 min readJun 6, 2018


We are a gamification company — We learn how games and sports work, what makes them cheerful and engaging and try to replicate the psychological factors in a workplace to create a positive, engaging work environment. We hear this question often ‘Cheerful environment — Can it help us to work better?’

We hear your question and understand where it comes from. Your workplace has become a hectic world, people are busy doing nothing, there is a lack of team spirit or even worse, people clock every minute they are present at the desk. Yes, we acknowledge that it’s a threatening problem but there are ways by which you can change things around.

A simple motivated human being wakes up every morning and feels the necessity to do something because it’s valued in the society and appreciated when it’s done.

We understand that your business delivers great value but think about it for a minute — who is to be blamed if the team is not even aware of the quality of the work they’ve done for you or how you judge their productivity? The assumption most managers or even top management makes is that employees are aware of their contribution. Now lets come to the reality, with exception of few, most people have to be informed and appreciated to keep them moving.

It may seem like extra work, but really it takes a few minutes to get it done. Take out your whiteboard and list down everything that needs to be done today. As humans, we have a natural tendency to sort, label, and categorize. Categorize the tasks based on complexity and give them points based on the level of complexity. Whoever completed the task can mark a tick and sign their name next to it. By the end of the day, you can see who did more, who did things faster. The possibilities of the different ways you can play with this data is huge and encouraging to the team members.

Over a week, everyone knowing their contribution is now transparent, become motivated and accomplish the tasks before the expected hours. No longer they spend their lives performing jobs in which it’s harder to measure effectiveness. Today we do more work with our brains than with our hands and it requires a different set of motivational factors to boost productivity.

Do try this out with a whiteboard or you can use our product, whatever fits you. But with Orcaso, the calculation of stats based on points becomes easy and a lot more encouraging.

To see how Orcaso has worked brilliantly to improve work culture, do read our case study on TournamentOS here.

written by Deepak Kumar, Chief Everything Officer at Orcaso. We are hiring, reach out to us on

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