Skybreach tales. Episode2.

5 min readApr 28, 2022


⚠️ Skybreach concept is not finalised yet.
⚠️ ️
This is just a bedtime story for my kid.


Singuland — the story of the Sentimental Pirate.

— What’s your name, little girl? — asked the Pirate.
— Greta.
— They call me the Sentimental Pirate. Tell me your story.

Greta didn’t have much to say. She woke up in the middle of the forest, and because she didn’t recognize the area next to the ancient buildings, she decided to enter the bush. The only thing she had was a violet cloak lying nearby on the ground from when she awoke. Who she was, how she got there, and where she was going, the girl did not remember. For some reason, the bird that flew her there did the task for free.

- Oh, this is Snailor. His parents played a cruel joke on him and named him after a snail. Volcanic wings prevent him from moving quickly, but flying is his only cherished dream. No wonder he took you on board. Other passengers refuse his service. Since your memory is clouded, I can tell you my story.

Greta had already realized that she had nothing to fear. The Sentimental Pirate showed no signs of hostility or anger. He continued:

— I’ll tell you about Singuland. This island is calm and clean: a gorgeous landscape with vast valleys and towering mountains. It hasn’t seen war or conflict of any kind. Mystical and wondrous animals roam the dark forests and rolling hills. Quiet evenings set the mood for work, and every sunrise in Singuland is perfect and unique.

Idyllic Sunrise
This location is teeming with wildlife, from giant insects to great blue herons. It’s nature at its finest — lush forests and crystal clear water make this a peaceful place for all Kanaria.

Ages ago, unicorns lived here. These extraordinary visionaries, heard the very essence of nature, gave out creative ideas, one after another. When the first Kanarias arrived on the island, they interacted with the unicorns and drew inspiration from the craziest ideas.

The Unicorns are now extinct. There are legends that once upon a time a tribe of evil Graphomaniacs came to Singuland, and unicorns began to get sick and wither from their tasteless writings. The legend says that there are a mere 50 unicorn horns that remain. Many creative Canaries dream of decorating one of these artefacts:

When a Kanaria bird adorns the Unicorn Horn Headband, its creativity expands by many orders of magnitude, making this one of the most in-demand headpieces in the Highlands. In times of war or great innovation, competition for these can become quite bloody.

Artists are inspired by the animal world in their work. They draw birds, apes, donkeys, mice and even beavers. At one time, donkeys were especially popular. Many art tourists flock to the island, as well as merchants delivering pure art to the farthest corners of the vast Skybridge universe.

I was one of the first to arrive here. I loved it, I knew how to draw, it gave me a real sense of purpose and pleasure.

After, I was warned — Expect Chaos. The entire Skybridge universe was always expecting Chaos. But not me.

And so, I was overtaken by a creative crisis. You know, the muse doesn’t live with you every day. Sometimes you paint, and every stroke of the brush turns into magic, and sometimes the paintings look dull. Each new drawing was given to me with more and more difficulty. Anguish and depression gripped me. Viscous chaos.

Once, I was so depressed that I passed off someone else’s painting as my own. It’s a terrible act, I know. I justified myself by the fact that my works were not sold, but I needed something to eat. Silly. I was disgusted with myself, and still feel a sense of shame.

Of course, in the end, everything was revealed. They called me a pirate, I was deprived of the opportunity to draw and was expelled from Singuland. For past merits, I was given a parting Pirate flag — an artefact that fully corresponds with my evil deed. With it, I can rob Canaries flying by, but this does not bring me happiness. After all, the only thing that makes me truly feel alive is creativity.

— Never, you hear, never betray yourself! I believe you will find your way!

The Sentimental Pirate was so agitated that he fell quiet and continued to flap his wings in complete silence, surrounded by a mist of clouds.

Greta dared to break the silence.

— I hope you can get back to your favorite pastime…

The pirate didn’t answer. After some time, he came to his senses and started:

— Greta, you know, I’ve been a pirate for a long time, and I have some wonderful artefacts. One of them seems to be able to predict the future, but I have never used it. Maybe it will help you, I’m not even sure that it is in working order?

The pirate took out a dusty Orb, with written on the stand “Masters of time. Oracles. Futarchists. Users of the Zeitgeist ball are called by different words. “Wrong” is not one of them”.

Masters of time. Oracles. Futarchists. Users of the Zeitgeist ball are called many things. “Wrong” is not one of them.

Greta rubbed the Ball with the edge of her violet cape. The ball was silent. She shook him and asked:

— What awaits me in the future?

The gray-black-and-white interior of the ball began to change, but did not give out anything concrete. It seemed as if there was interference inside the glass. Unexpectedly, he gave out some strange phrases:

— #### to be freed

— won’t win to win

— will give it to get it

— will come back to move on

At that moment, the insides of the ball mixed up, acquired their original striped appearance and froze. Both the bird and the girl were discouraged.

Well, Greta, the ball did not lie — you surrendered, and I will free you. He didn’t say “Will surrender” because it had already happened.

Mood: Creative. If some of these beautiful animals will be accepted to Skybreach by World Governance — should they come as art objects or as new avatars?

All images in the text are made by RMRK team. Most of the texts beneath them are descriptions of these images on Kanaria site.
Translated by Botuver.




Big supporter and Russian Community manager of RMRK project.