P2PG Token: Create and link a wallet w/ Metamask

P2P Guru
Published in
7 min readFeb 2, 2020

This guide will show you how to create a wallet for the P2PG token. It will guide you step by step and demonstrate how to create a wallet using Metamask browser extension and subsequently, how to link a wallet with your account on P2P Guru.

Do not worry, even if you have no experience with cryptocurrency whatsoever, creating a wallet is an easy process every beginner can do and will take you only a few minutes of your time.

Creating a software wallet using Metamask

Metamask is a tool and a browser plugin that allows you to make Ethereum transactions and store Ethereum-compatible tokens (like P2PG token) and allows web applications to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. With Metamask, you can set up and use the Ethereum wallet built into your browser, export your private key and transfer or store your ERC20 tokens. Metamask makes the process of creating a wallet real easy. You can even link Metamask with MyEtherWallet and merge these two well-known Ethereum wallet providers.


Step One — The installation of Metamask to your browser

First of all, you need to install the Metamask extension to your browser. The Metamask extension supports regular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Brave or Opera.

For the installation of the Metamask plugin, please visit www.metamask.io and click on “GET EXTENSION” on the homepage. This will redirect you to the site (such as webstore if you are using Google Chrome or Brave) where you can download the plugin to your current browser by clicking on the “Add to browser” button. After clicking on this button, the process will be executed and Metamask will be installed and added to your browser as a new extension.

When Metamask is successfully installed, you will receive the notification that Metamask was added to your browser and the icon of a fox will appear on the right top corner of your browser (together with your other extensions).

Step Two — Setting up your wallet

Now you are ready to create and set up your wallet. Metamask will first ask you if you want to import your existing wallet or create a new wallet — since this is the first time you are creating a wallet, select the latter option.

Select ¨Create a Wallet¨

Now comes the part that you should address with caution and your careful consideration as the security of your wallet will depend on this.

The following window asks you to submit your login password that you need to confirm twice. Your password must contain at least 8 symbols and we suggest choosing a strong password combination. After you confirm your password and agree to the Terms of Use, your wallet is created.

Choose and confirm your password

Once a password is confirmed, a Secret Backup Phrase will be generated for you. Your backup phrase consists of 12 randomly generated words that would be used in case you need to restore or backup your account. Keep in mind that the order of these words matters.

You should approach this step cautiously and make sure to carefully save and store your backup phrase. If you forget your password or something happens to your computer, you won’t be able to restore your wallet without this phrase. Make sure not to reveal this phrase to anyone else and we also suggest printing or writing down the copy of this phrase on a paper and storing it in a safe place.

Copy and safely store your backup phrase

In the final step of setting up your wallet, you need to confirm your backup phrase manually by selecting and arranging in the right order the sequence of 12 words corresponding to your backup phrase. After the completion of this step, your wallet is successfully created.

Manually select and confirm your backup phrase

Note: To achieve the highest level of security, we recommend exporting and printing out the private key of your wallet. Store your private key together with your backup phrase in a safe place and do not share these details with anyone else.

Step Three — Adding P2PG token to your wallet

Now when the Metamask extension is installed on your browser and your wallet is set up, you can finally add the P2PG token to your wallet. You can do this by clicking on “Add token” right below Ether token that is already in your wallet by default.

Click on ¨Add Token¨

You can add the P2PG token by either submitting the official symbol ‘P2PG’ of the token in the Search tab or by copying the following address into the “Token Contract Address” of the Custom token tab (the second option is more reliable):

The address of P2PG token: 0x0669f97be1948804fda3cdd745f9ead2356aecef

After selecting the P2PG token with one of these ways, confirm the whole process by clicking on “Add token” again.

Searching token using ‘P2PG’ symbol
a) Searching for the token using ‘P2PG’ symbol
b) Searching for the token by copying the Token Contract Address

Now you can see the P2PG token listed and available on your main menu right below the Ether token. Congratulations!

P2PG token appears below Ether (ETH) on your wallet

By clicking on the three dots next to the P2PG token symbol and selecting “View on Etherscan”, you can access the token on Etherscan. Etherscan is a website that lists all Ethereum based tokens with detail analysis for complete transparency.

Select ¨View on Etherscan¨

Here you can see all the activities related to any token, price of the token, yours and all other transactions/addresses or even access and view the smart contract.

P2P Guru on Ehterscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0x0669f97be1948804FdA3CDD745F9eAd2356aECef

If you wish to send your tokens to another wallet, transfer to another address or deposit on the exchange, you need to have a certain amount of Ethers (ETH) that cover transactional fees (gas) on Ethereum blockchain. It is not possible to pay these fees with ERC-20 tokens.

Step Four — Linking your wallet and your account on P2P Guru

Now we are finally approaching the last step. As your wallet is successfully created now, you can link your wallet with your account on P2P Guru.

To do this, simply login to your account on P2P Guru as usual. Go to your profile and click on the “Tokens” tab where you have a choice to either “Add your own ETH address” or “Generate ETH address by P2P Guru”.
(Note: ETH stands for Ethereum)

Select ¨Add your own ETH address¨

Since you have just created your wallet with Ethereum address, you can select the first option and click to add your address. A new window will appear and prompt you to submit your ETH address.

Paste the Ethereum address from your wallet

To copy the address from your wallet, open Metamask once again by clicking on fox’s head in the top right corner of your browser. You can find your address right on the main menu above the list of your tokens. It looks like a long sequence of random numbers and characters but its contracted version is displayed, showing only a few first and last symbols.

Click on the address to copy

You can copy the address by simply clicking on it and your whole address will be copied automatically. You can now proceed back to P2P Guru and simply paste and submit your address to the window.

Right after submitting, you will be notified that your address was successfully linked with your account. P2PG tokens will now be distributed to your submitted address each quarter in a form of rewards for your activity, dividends, airdrops, contests, and other categories (as described in our guide for quarterly distribution).

You can just sit back, enjoy the platform and reap the rewards for your activity on the platform (you can find the complete list of all activities on P2P Guru in our first guide).

P.S. You may also follow one of many video tutorials on how to create and set up your Metamask wallet on Youtube, such as this one:

Metamask tutorial on Youtube

