P2PG Token: Quarterly Distribution

P2P Guru
Published in
7 min readJan 30, 2020

Apart from its utility and incentives for the P2P Guru platform, P2PG token is also engineered with some interesting specifications with regard to its distribution and supply that are worth further examinations.

In this User-Guide, we will have a look at the distribution of P2PG tokens, in particular, we will cover the total supply of tokens, the mechanics of deflationary tokens, its relevance to P2PG token and lastly, the process of quarterly distribution.

This user-guide follows up on the previous guide that aimed to explain the fundamentals of P2PG token, its purpose, and incentives for the P2P Guru platform. You can read this guide here.

If you would like to look directly into the whitepaper, it is accessible here.

Otherwise, let’s begin by looking at the total supply of P2PG token:

1) Total Supply

The P2PG token falls under the ERC20 token standard of the Ethereum’s network. ERC20 is an eminent protocol standard for issuing tokens on Ethereum’s network and offers a solid and stable environment for the implementation of fungible tokens — such as enhanced liquidity and uniformity.

Moreover, Ethereum offers the highest level of protection against external attacks and its extended infrastructure makes it possible to store the token in a wide range of software or hardware wallets that support the ERC20 token standard.

There is a total supply of 268 000 000 tokens.

To see the specific distribution of the total supply, please read the Whitepaper, as this guide is primarily focused on the quarterly distribution.

Each quarter, tokens are distributed to P2P Guru from the Guru fund. Guru fund has a crucial function of the distributor and repositor of P2PG tokens with the initial supply of 69,680,000 P2PG tokens.

The address of the Guru fund is: 0x89cdae2AED91190aEFBe45F5e89D511de70Abdb4

10% of tokens redistributed from the Guru fund are removed (or ‘burnt’) so the total supply decreases over time. This ‘burning’ effect is characteristic of deflationary tokens. Let’s examine them further:

2) Deflationary token

P2PG token is designed as a deflationary token in its essence and although deflationary tokens propose a relatively new structure in cryptocurrency and tokenization, its concept is quite straightforward:

Each quarter, a certain percentage (deflation rate) of the supply is removed and fewer tokens enter the circulation. In particular with P2PG, as tokens are redistributed from the Guru fund each quarter, 10% are repeatedly burned. Burned tokens are rendered unusable and erased from the supply and circulation. As these volumes of tokens are gradually burned, the token grows in scarcity and liquidity, maintains a stable value, curbs potential price inflations and further supports transparency.

Moving on, the rest of the 90% of tokens that are redistributed from the Guru fund each quarter are disbursed in the following way:

3) Quarterly Distribution

Each quarter — on the first day of January, April, July, and October, P2PG tokens are distributed from the Guru fund. As already explained, 10% of tokens are removed from the supply due to the principle of deflationary token aforementioned above. The rest of 90% of tokens progress to the supply for quarterly distribution and are further allocated like this:

1. 50% these tokens are transferred to the next quarter

2. The other 50% is redistributed in this manner:

Quarterly distribution

a) Dividends

30% of the tokens are distributed in dividends to those who have earned or held the token throughout the quarter. This means that active users not only earn tokens from their activity or tasks that they complete on P2P Guru (such as adding missing torrents, streaming links, images, ratings, writing movie reviews and more) but also earn even more tokens from these periodical-quarterly dividends as a reward & further incentive for their effort and contribution to the platform and other users.

To calculate these dividends, a snapshot of users’ balances will be taken once every week — always at random times to prevent manipulation. In total, 12 snapshots will be taken during the whole quarter. The average amount of P2PG tokens from these 12 snapshots will be used to calculate the dividend.

b) Activity

19% of the tokens are distributed to users for activity and contests:

Firstly, 75% of these tokens are allocated for users’ activity as the first 100 users with the highest ‘activity points’ each quarter will earn P2PG tokens based on their efforts and number of activity points.

Secondly, the remaining 25% of these tokens are dedicated to contests such as multi-stage contests that will occur regularly and will be comprised of 3–4 smaller individual tasks. Tokens are then evenly distributed among users who successfully complete these regular contests.

You can find a detailed explanation and the list of onsite activities in our first user-guide.

c) Promotion

18% of tokens are reserved for promotion and buildup of the P2P Guru platform such as the creation of promotional or instructive videos and tutorials, PR articles or cooperation and partnership with other like-minded projects. If this amount is not spent during the quarter, the remaining tokens are transferred back to the Guru fund at the end of the quarter.

d) Loyalty Contests

10% of tokens are reserved for loyalty contests:

These contests are open and available only for users who have a balance of at least 1,000 P2PG tokens at the time of the contest announcement.

One loyalty contest per week is expected to take place, and it requires successful completion of a simple task — such as creating and sharing social media post including the #p2pguru hashtag. Those who are eligible to take part in these contests and successfully complete them receive the even proportion of tokens allocated to this category.

e) Affiliate

Another 10% of tokens are reserved for users who bring advertisers to the P2P Guru platform. Every account on P2P Guru also contains an affiliate link. When a user achieves to arrange a collaboration with an external advertiser who then in return specifies the affiliate link of the user when placing an order on P2P Guru, the user will receive a share of the P2PG tokens from this affiliate program.

The higher the amount that this advertiser spends on advertising through a user’s affiliate link, the more P2PG tokens this user receives as a reward. All users who successfully participate in this affiliate program will receive the tokens for this category proportionally, based on advertiser orders, at the end of the quarter.

f) Airdrops

Next on the list are airdrops with 10% of the quarterly distribution. On the P2P Guru platform, airdrops are reserved only for users with the VIP memberships. The specifications of this VIP membership will be revealed in one of our next user-guides, but you can already read more details in the whitepaper.

Generally, an airdrop will take place at the beginning of the third month of each quarter. To be qualified for an airdrop, a user must have VIP membership for at least 60 days of the quarter. Tokens from airdrops are distributed evenly between all users that comply with these aforementioned conditions.

e) Forum

And lastly, 3% of the tokens are distributed to forum users as P2P Guru aims to incentivize and motivate users to actively interact with each other, create discussions and share information about popular TV-Shows, latest movie reviews, and multimedia in general.

The forum moderators will be selected by the community. Moderators will be in charge of managing and maintaining the forum. They will receive 0.5% of P2PG tokens but cannot further distribute these tokens to other users for activity on the forum.

1% of tokens will be distributed to regular members who participated in discussions with at least one post in the quarter and received a “like” from another user.

1% of tokens are reserved for VIP members who have had a VIP membership of at least 30 days in the current quarter and have posted at least three posts in a given quarter. This group also includes members with the status “Legend”.

0.5% will be distributed among users with “Legend” status and at least three posts in a given quarter.


Hopefully, this guide helped you to better understand the quarterly distribution of P2PG tokens to the P2P Guru platform and made you realize that although the process of distribution might seem to be a complex procedure, it is actually not so difficult to comprehend.

The system is designed with the best intentions in mind for the future development of the P2P Guru platform but also for the token’s utility, value, and velocity. It combines deflationary principles that ensure token’s scarcity and combat inflation together with a number of well-constructed distribution categories that merge the vision of the platform and the involvement of its users.

