Announcing the pEOS Privacy Fund for enabling privacy technologies on EOS

3 min readJun 24, 2019


We started out to create pEOS, because we strongly believe in privacy being a fundamental human right. For us, the pEOS token and the technology behind it, are the starting point for embarking on a much bigger journey that will lead us to technology able to provide to people the next level of privacy.

Regardless of the latest general indifference towards privacy by many organizations, we strongly believe that most of the people still value privacy, and understand the implications of living in a future where technology strips the population of this fundamental right instead of empowering it. How many of history’s fallen totalitarian regimes would have survived, had they been given the power to know every book that anybody would ever buy and read? Stop and think about that for a moment.

How many of history’s fallen totalitarian regimes would have survived, had they been given the power to know every book that anybody would ever buy and read?

We live in times where freedom of ideas is at the same time exploding through the Information Age, but also stands more fragile than ever. In an age of AI, massive processing power and big data we are one corner away from this power ending up into the wrong hands. Preaching, protecting and enabling privacy is more important than ever and it has become a crucial imperative to ensure future generations’ freedom.

If we achieve to accelerate and empower the development of technologies and products that promote privacy, our goal will be met. The pEOS token, given its performance and censorship resistance is the first step towards that goal. However there is much more we can do.

Announcing the pEOS Privacy Fund

The pEOS team currently holds as an incentive a fund of 200 million PEOS tokens which after the token burn of unclaimed PEOS tokens ended up amounting to 26% of the total supply. Having our position inflated was only a byproduct and never our original intention. So given the fact that much less than that amount was already enough to incentivize us, we were constantly looking for ways to better utilize these funds.

After a lot of thinking, we are proud to announce that we are going to create the pEOS Privacy Fund. We are going to allocate 50 million of the tokens reserved for the team, in order to create a fund with the mission to support third-party privacy oriented projects; projects that take advantage of the pEOS technology and the PEOS token.

As a result, our incentive fund will be reduced to 150 million PEOS (19% of total supply). The 50 million PEOS of the pEOS Privacy Fund will be allocated to teams that will qualify; under terms that will be tailored to each project.

Apply for the fund

We are already aware of several existing projects that want to integrate privacy features but can’t cover the additional cost that that implies. Additionally, we are certain there are also teams and individuals out there that have privacy products in their heads, talented people with great ideas, that can’t find a way to realize their goals. We know this because we have been in that position ourselves. We are now in a position to help!

If you are a team with an existing or new product related to privacy or you think that the pEOS technology can help your product become privacy aware, please contact us here:

hello at

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

We are going to provide more information as we move forward, so stay “tuned”.




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