pEOS Q2 Update

3 min readJul 5, 2019


Hey peeps, it’s been a while since our last post, but we have been endlessly working towards bringing the pEOS vision to life. We want to thank you all for your support so far, your nice words, your videos, your pEOS related GIFs, stickers, memorabilia and artwork in general; you really encourage us to keep fighting to bring privacy on the EOS ecosystem! Community support is really important for us and watching ours grow organically was a humbling experience for us.


After a long journey we come bearing gifts of our own and they come in the form of the pEOS smart contract beta release, important parts of code being open sourced (free as beer) and UTXOs on the main-net. But let’s get into more detail.

  1. During the past few weeks (as many from the community noticed) we have been testing out the beta version of the pEOS smart contract on the Jungle testnet. We are finally happy to officially announce that we have successfully deployed the code on the the address netpeostoken. This is a huge milestone for the project, and people can now test out the beta version of the implementation. This is the account where we originally have deployed the UTXO code, which we upgraded to the new code. Therefore keep in mind that the UTXO transactions will no longer work on the jungle testnet, but read more about that below.
  2. Additionally to deploying the beta code on testnet, we are exited to inform you that we are also decided to proceed with releasing the code that implements ring signatures, bulletproofs, etc inside of EOSIO smart contracts. This code implements several optimizations and tricks to allow the execution in a constrained environment like that of EOSIO. We came to the decision to release this code in the spirit of our general privacy commitment and to compliment our 50 million PEOS development fund that was announced earlier. This code helps projects implement privacy features, but in no way risks the cloning of the pEOS technology. The code of the complete pEOS smart contract will become public only after its release on the EOS mainnet and after a complete ecosystem of pEOS projects is built around it.
  3. Moreover now that the testnet will serve as the beta for the privacy features, we upgraded the EOS mainnet contract to also support UTXO. That’s right, you can now use UTXO on the mainnet and do your first true Coinjoins for privacy!
  4. One more thing: In the next days we are going to release a beta of the UI wallet we showcased some weeks ago.

You can now use UTXO on the mainnet and do your first true Coinjoins for privacy!

That’s all for now, thanks for following us and keeping in touch! We are looking forward to the next few months, as we are continuously getting closer to seeing the pEOS vision becoming a full fledged product.

Learn more about the pEOS project and get in touch with the community by following the links below:

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