Top Paintball Tips You Should Know to Make the Game Better

Paintball Fans X
5 min readDec 14, 2017


The better you play, the more interesting the game is. There are various tricks in paintball tactics, and here you will be able to find the most useful.

How to Build the Best Paintball Strategy?

How to play paintball? What is the aim? In paintball, your goal is to capture the flag of the opposing team and, after hitting them all, enter into a state of capitulation. Speed, exciting action, and modern combat equipment make the game attractive.

Paintball is played on a large area as a rule with the size not smaller than the field. Of course, there are closed venues for the competitions, including temporary fields, deployed especially for paintball games. Constant indoor fields cost money, but also provide such opportunities as equipment rental, training, special insane paintball tips and design. There is no reason why you can let the rain, snow or ice prevent you from playing paintball!

Each player is holding a pneumatic weapon that shoots specially produced balls with a water-soluble paint. These balls break after contact with the surface. The number of players required for the game is not exactly fixed. You need a group of 10 or so players for the maximum interesting game. The group is divided into two teams and is preparing for the battle.

The division into the two teams occurs with the help of colored armbands to exclude the shooting of own teammates. In fact, everything is slightly more complicated because you do not only have to grab the flag of another team, but you need to splash each opponent with paint. Then the trophy triumphantly enters the camp of your team.

If a paintball ball hits you, you are out of the game. There is one additional condition the ball which hit you should crash on contact and do not bounce off of you or jumped from something else along the way to you. Paintball balls hit pretty hard. That’s why you need wearing a mask and very tight clothes. The judge can determine the size of the injury. Paintball balls are no more than glass balls, but with a strong gelatinous body.

Paintball weapon (also known as a paintball “marker”) looks very similar to a real rifle, but it is attached to two large, sturdy cylinders. The first is a hopper that holds paintball balls, and the other is a balloon with air. Inside that balloon can be carbon dioxide or nitrogen instead of air, depending on the model of the paintball marker.

You can get injuries while playing paintball. However, to avoid them it is enough to observe several simple rules:

1) On the field and next to it, it is forbidden to be without a mask. Even if you dropped out of the game, you should not remove the mask as long as the fight continues.

2) If you shoot the enemy at close range, you can cause him serious injury. Try to avoid such situations. If you managed to get to the player unnoticed you should say ‘out’, and after that, he must immediately leave the field.

3) Between games and outside the playing area you should place the marker on the fuse.

4) If you have the technical problems with the marker during the game, you should go to the technicians. Do not try to eliminate the malfunction of improvised means, for example, to clean the trunk of a branch caught under the arm.

5) You can not shoot at people who accidentally ended up on the territory of the playground, players, and judges who have dropped out. If there are curious people in the danger zone, this is necessary to inform the organizers about them.

To become a paintball commando you should follow these pieces of advice:

● Come on! Otherwise, you will only have to respond to enemy actions;

● Watch! Try to control the maximum possible area. Then attack from the flank will not surprise you;

● Move! Then you will be harder to hit or take unawares;

● Communicate! In paintball, it is very important to share information and your intentions with your teammates;

● Plan the game! At the beginning of each game, this will be useful to make an action plan for the current round with your teammates;

● Do not feel sorry for the balls! If you notice an opponent, you should “pour” him with balls. If his shelter is not ideal, he will be amazed;

● Do not repeat! Do not use several rounds in a row with the same tactics, do not hide all the time behind one shelter. Otherwise, you will be counted and destroyed;

● Study the terrain! Before starting the game, go around the paintball pad and learn it. Think about your future actions. During the game, there will be no time to think.

● Recognize and denote the enemy’s shelter you can foresee them when inspecting the field before the game or determine during the collision.

● Paintball tactics! Do not repeat the same actions from time to time, whether it is a separate action or location on the field. A good experienced player or team will know in advance what to expect from you in the next game and will thus be able to drive you into a tactical trap.

If you are at a disadvantage, you should just move to another point on the field. Try to move in coordination with other players. Paintball is a team game. Supporting comrades with fire, entering the enemy from the side, informing about the movement of the enemy, you will significantly increase the chances of your victory. On the other hand, being left aside, you will be useless for the team as in case of victory as well as in case of the defeat of the main group of players.

If you are at a disadvantage, there are several options:

1) Defend to the last, not sparing the balls;

2) Quickly retreat;

3) Ask for support from teammates.

The main qualities of paintball are fun and excitement. For the whole family. Everyone needs an adventure, forcing the hair to stand on end, keeping confidence that everyone will get home safe and sound.

Paintball is the best kind of the entertainment. Do you think so? Because we do. We are really paintball fans and want to share our knowledge with you all. You should know a little bit about the history of paintball.

There are several versions of the origin of paintball. The first version assumes that paintball was developed as the strict training of CIA special forces. The second version is legendary and naturalist. There were three comrades: Charles Gainshays, Noel (New York Stock Broker), and Robert Garnier (owner of a ski shop). They spent several years in disputes about the human ability to survive. One of them accidentally found in the farmer’s magazine the announcement of the sale of a gun for marking cattle. They decided to try the instruments of this kind for their tests.

Since those times the paintball industry greatly progresses. There are a lot of various kinds of markers and the other equipment. The possibility to make a choice can confuse you. To make the right choice, you should read numerous articles and reviews. However, the quality of equipment depends on the reliability of the brand. Among all of the manufacturers, the Tippmann company is one of the best. You should check this, and you’ll be surprised, and we’ll be pleased that we can help you.

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