Shaping the Network: How is Panjea Curated?

6 min readMay 9, 2023


This is the second of five articles that goes through the construction of the Panjea application. The first ( explored some of the basic fundamentals of the network. We’d recommend reading this article as a starting point, then going over to this article, which talks about the structure of the Panjea system.

Of course, the whole platform is currently in development with a projected launch date for late 2023. Most of the technology is set in place, and we are still playing around with certain aspects of the functionality to ensure that they best coincide with our users’ wants and needs.

Shaping the Network: How is Panjea Curated?

Where it All Started…

When we created Panjea, we looked at systems that already worked on the internet. Many of the most successful projects, simply gave people a better way of using a technology or commercial system that already exists…

Think about companies like Uber, Airbnb and Deliveroo. People have always booked taxis, rented accommodation and ordered food. Web2.0 simply created online business models for existing human practices.

In many ways Web2.0 didn’t create new digital opportunities. Instead, it transformed existing models into packages of online convenience.

One of the Best…

Perhaps the most genius of all the Web2.0 titans is Facebook. Taking existing web functionality (messaging, image hosting, address books, homepages etc.) and repackaging it in a simple, portal site was game-changing. No application or business has changed the way society connects and behaves in quite the same way.

One of the things we thought about in the early days of Panjea was the hyperlink. Way back in the early days of the original web, links were vitally important. Surfing the information superhighway was about bouncing from website to website using the connections that the creators deemed important. They were the lifeblood of the internet.

We wanted to re-explore the notion of the link. Shouldn’t it be something that’s crucial to the way the internet works — with users given a choice of exploring content due to relevancy — rather than simply being beguiled by an algorithm that prioritises engagement over every other discernible metric.

And that’s when we came up with the curation system for Panjea.

Nodal Network…

Panjea is designed to operate as a parent to child nodal network. Think of this as a type of balloon and stick system. Each piece of content is a balloon — and the link connecting them is like a stick. When content is added, the new content is often referred to as the child content and the original content (the piece of content that’s been linked) is referred to as the parent content.

Content hierarchies can then be expressed as generations. For instance, a piece of content that is three levels away from a piece of parent content (i.e linked to child content) is described as 3 generations away from the parent content. Much like in families.

Note that any piece of content can be linked to many other pieces of content — the links are not limited by any notion of 3D space. They exist to order and structure the content universe in a dynamic and exciting manner for the users. Simply think about how the current internet is structured. Focus on how websites are linked currently. Yes, you’re getting the picture…

The Most Relevant Link…

Whenever a user adds a piece of content to Panjea they have to link it somewhere. We do not discriminate on where content is added. Link to a piece of content with many links and you might struggle to get seen — link to a piece of content with a few links and you might be quickly become the most important navigable connection.

It’s down to our users to decide on relevancy. The more relevant a piece of child content is to the parent, then the more likely user are to utilise the link. And as a result, with our earn-for-views model — the greater their share of the daily reward pool.

Strength to Strength

Users will also have the option to enhance a piece of child content’s prominence in the navigation choices from any piece of parent content. By paying a set amount of PANJ, which will vary according to the existing link strength and current prominence of the parent content, the user can strengthen the link.

Why would they do this? Simple. Because we are planning to reward curators as well and creators. Those who help shape the network will receive a portion of the daily reward pool based on the number of times their link is used to navigate the network.

By allowing our users to gently tend to the branches of information that comprise Panjea, we intend to have a much healthier and appropriate network of content.

What’s the Connection

We don’t leave our exploration of the link there, either. If we’re going to reimagine the link — then why not ask what does a link mean or imply? We can use links to create citations for pieces of content. Especially relevant in the world of publications and academic publishing.

Or we can even allow content to be sampled. Think of all those videos that use part of a famous song as a viral meme. Links can be used to confer royalties in terms of a payment in PANJ, funnelling a portion of any content node’s rewards back to the original creator.

We are still exploring link types as a way to order the system and ensure that ideas are rewarded. As part of our creator first promise, we want to make sure that the originators of any idea are rewarded for their work.

Your Own Rabbit Holes…

And of course, we want curators to feel as valued as creators on Panjea. For years people have arranged information into libraries and museums. In more recent times, through House and Hip Hop music we discovered the idea of the mix or playlist. Something that’s become ubiquitous to many existing networks.

Curators can engineer complete journeys through the nodal network. Hopping from parent to child and so on as they demonstrate a pathway through the content. It could be anything from the evolution of a new source as information breaks on Panjea through to the development of a meme as it becomes increasingly meta. Or of course, it just could be a linked list of music tracks that sound excellent together.

Panjea Needs You

Panjea is still in its early stages of development. We’re currently holding interviews for our first tranche of creators — people who are edgy, innovative and want to do something different.

We want those who are inspired by the vision, ready for the difference and hungry for an opportunity to open the web up again to the thinkers, dreamers and doers. We’re setting up an off-site community who are ready for the first day of live action… Contact us through our social channels or emails on the website.

If you share this vision of the internet and this message is resonating with you — then perhaps Panjea might be the right place for you to call home. Find out more at our website




#PANJEA is a #blockchain based social media network. Imagine being paid for simply being yourself -