Is Interstellar Export America’s Next Source of GDP Growth?

Paolo Messina
5 min readJul 29, 2022


Silicon Valley entrepreneurs are investigating recent claims by firsthand witnesses that interstellar trade routes are open. Who could we be trading with and how valuable are the opportunities?

According to the Office of the United States Trade Representative, American real incomes are 9% higher than they would otherwise have been as a result of trade liberalizing efforts since the Second World War.

In that time, the US has pursued a geopolitical strategy focused on making global commerce easy and preventing regional conflicts from disrupting trade. These policies have facilitated constant growth in export volumes which, according to the National Institute for Standards (NIST), topped $2.5 Trillion in 2019.

US exports also contribute several million jobs to the economy; according to the NIST, around 10 million of the best paying jobs over the last decade.

In Silicon Valley, a group of entrepreneurs is looking to take exports to an entirely different level. International commerce is one thing, but new research is opening eyes, minds, and skies to the possibility of interstellar commerce — with nearby off-earth colonies, and potentially extraterrestrial civilizations. As the saying goes, they’re “shooting for the stars”.

The business of space today

We are at the verge of the commercialization of space. Tech companies are eagerly investing in this emerging sector of the economy, pushing to transport satellites and place stations in earth’s orbit. But the opportunities go beyond that, including transporting people and goods to/between these stations, producing, replacing, and repairing necessary equipment, providing support to on-board personnel.

Additionally, new ventures are being created to take advantage of space’s absence of gravity, seeking added benefits in the production of materials and bio-derivatives directly in space.

To some, this won’t be breaking news — investors are fully on board with the notion of a forthcoming space economy.As always, military technology and research seems to be decades ahead of the game and, according to some, we’re already engaged in some extraordinary ventures.

The current context

Only a few years ago, contemplating such ideas would have been considered insane. However, since the now famous New York Times articles on the US Navy’s encounters with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (or UAPs, the new politically-correct term for UFOs), several interesting releases corroborate some seemingly outlandish statements about the UAP phenomena.

It’s less well known that this sequence of these events has triggered a sizable alternative media stream. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Youtube videos, documentaries, and blog articles that have reached hundreds of millions of viewers around the world.

As mainstream media focuses its attention on the nature of the UAPs discussed in Pentagon releases, whether they’re alien spacecrafts or surveillance crafts operated by foreign adversaries, the alternative media are looking for explanations in a different direction.

Recently, investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe, editor-in-chief at Earthfiles, has reported on several seemingly unbelievable facts.

Linda cites multiple anonymous military sources, suggesting that the military has developed a working relationship with extraterrestrials that traces back to the Second World War.

Recent video appearances, along with the material on Earthfiles, has focused on the existence of a human-extraterrestrial collaboration to build space crafts. According to Howe’s military witnesses, the US military has 3 long-range space crafts and an entire host of programs in collaboration with ETs.

In addition, Howe’s contacts describe the nature of these extraterrestrial beings and their various degrees of relationship with human civilization.

Perhaps it’s the universe of Youtube videos and documentaries that have captivated the global public over the last several years. One recent History Channel documentary may be the most astounding work ever published on the subject, focusing on secret military projects known under the umbrella of the Secret Space Program. This documentary reveals the existence of underground military facilities where collaboration with ETs takes place. As the content of this video is sensitive, we choose not to discuss it any further here.

Firsthand witnesses to existing interstellar trade

A group of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs is investigating these claims of partnerships with extraterrestrial civilizations and existing interstellar trade routes. Many will be discussed at the first Silicon Valley Conference on Secret Space Programs.

Among the speakers, one claims to have witnessed commercial relationships with extraterrestrial civilizations first hand .

This is the story of former Secret Space Program affiliate Tony Rodriguez. Tony, who has written a book about his experience, also discussed these interplanetary commercial relationships in a recent interview.

According to Rodriguez, various commercial relationships exist. For example, civilizations with access to heavy-element materials may trade energy production systems, used to power bases and ships, in exchange for chemicals and biomaterials.

Rodriguez says that some ET races don’t use money, so some of the commerce is based purely on the exchange of goods or information. He recalls one trade in which pharmaceuticals were exchanged for a mathematical formula.

Rodriguez will address more details at the conference on September 16–17 in Sunnyvale, California.

Where does Silicon Valley go from here…?

Granted, some of these reports are speculative in nature. At the same time, the emerging reports are becoming too much to ignore — particularly for investors with their eye out for the next big thing.

The real question for Silicon Valley is whether or not there is an entry market to target in the short term. Could there be an opportunity to finally serve as suppliers for the Secret Space Program once it becomes a little less secret?

Could there be an opportunity to create an ET’s Las Vegas here on planet Earth, offering leisure and entertainment to aliens on business in this part of the Galaxy?

Perhaps an opportunity mine terrestrially rare materials for resale on planet earth?

These are among the many provocative ideas that will be discussed on September 16–17 2022 at the first Silicon Valley Secret Space Program Business Applications Conference — tickets are available now for in-person attendance and live streaming.

