Alien nation of the ego-govcorp skinsuits (and winter is coming)

Brian Vereschagin
10 min readJan 27, 2017


By Brian Vereschagin

How realistic are your plans for the future? I think that most of us have some sort of dream which keeps us motivated in the present. We think that if we work hard, one day this bright future will be at our feet. We have many expectations from this reality, but if we look closer, we will find that nothing is as it seems. With our roots of existence into the earth mediated, we have lost the ability to be realistic about the future.

We remain ignorant to the larger machine of which we are a part. We don’t notice the endless cycles of destruction, or the calculated extraction of wealth and centralization of power. We are deeply steeped in generational trauma, and even seem to love our captivation, defending the way things are at all cost. This planet was invaded by aliens a long time ago and they have been perfecting their technology in its latest form: the corporation.

The corporation is not a human, and it does not share human values. It is programmed to a specific logic of competition and profit. The host body has been uprooted from the land, and its higher purpose subordinated to the alien logic of the corporation. The corporation provides the paycheque which sustains the existence of the host, in exchange for advancing corporate goals.

How do we expect our human needs to be satisfied in the end when there is no system in place to address them? If we examine our civilization, we will notice that we are programmed to this cold alien logic which is selecting for heartless sociopathy, and extinction of the human being. Our inner experiences are completely invalidated, while the ego harness forces us to blindly participate in its shared external subjective reality dream state machine.

We cannot even begin to know how the world works. The functions of government and corporation, which have merged to form what’s now called the deep state, are completely opaque. There is no real transparency to be found in any of the systems that support our existence. We have no idea what’s going on. There are countless layers, like shell companies, of cryptographically secured power making it impossible to know how govcorp operates.

The corporation is not bound to any country. The country has long been a tool for mass exploitation by those with allegiance to no country. The alien logic centralizes power at all cost, causing an inevitable cascade of suffering and destruction which eventually reaches the top. The general outcome is maximum scarcity and suffering for the vast majority of life on this planet. It is simply a matter of time, unless we can manifest self awareness and reflexively break the endless cycles.

I was told recently that magical living spaces do not exist, and that in fact, we all have to work to afford living. It is an emotional argument that I am naïve, and I just don’t understand how reality works. It also puts me in the category of hippie, which is a polarization towards the spirit in near complete neglect of matter. Money mediates our existence for now, but this ponzi reality tunnel is no longer reliable, and I want real responsibility and real community beyond it.

Part of opening the third eye is simply just plainly seeing things for what they are, using intuition and probability analysis to get a more realistic sense of the world, not simply using rigid logic and existing views. So instead of being in a bubble of assuming that everyone else lives pretty much the same as you do, try to think of all the diversity in life and how naïve it is to apply narrow judgements to everything. Our potential is limitless, and we have survived in so many different forms throughout history.

We have to understand that most of us hold simplistic views of how the world works, and this misalignment is the main source of all our suffering. The misalignment is exploited by those who can see it in you, you being one of many with these shared simplistic views of reality. This is how energy is harvested, manifesting as suffering and depression and disease and destruction in your life. Spiritually speaking, we have been first decapitated so we wouldn’t notice anything, and then had our limbs amputated, rendering a helpless torso.

Great cycles of deception and exploitation wash over many generations again and again. As soon as the last generation to go through an apocalypse (revealing of truth) has died, the population is ripe again for another terminal looting phase. Since we have become so atomized and isolated, we have very little community to rely on when necessary. We have no one to turn to but our alien captors when winter comes to this already cold dream state.

All you have to do to survive is get money. That is the carrot being held by a string in front of your face. Modern money is fiat, just like our consensus reality tunnel, meaning it’s arbitrary and grounded in nothing. The current global reserve currency is issued by a private corporation, which can print it arbitrarily. Every unit of currency ever created must be paid back with interest, meaning if the tumor ever stops growing, it will cascade through its mathematically inevitable collapse.

Every other global reserve tumor before the current one has met the same fate. Is money an important part of your plans for the future? It must be since our existence is exclusively mediated by it. By giving up our responsibilities piece by piece, we have slowly become helplessly dependent on the corporation for our own individual survival. We pay the money, and its simply none of our business how our needs are met.

Our ignorance of reality is being exploited. We are not in control of our own destiny because we are operating from within an arbitrary reality tunnel. The difference between what we think, and the way things are really are, is a cause of constant disease and decay which is feasted upon by our common alien programming. The biggest mistake made within the shared external subjective reality dream state is to keep believing that fiat man-made signals have real meaning.

The story of working hard and saving money to one day retire is no longer believable to a large portion of the population, especially the younger generations. As we grow older, we stop exploring the world and settle into the routines of life. Time goes by faster and faster as each day becomes the same as the last and the spark fades dim. We become crystalized into our patterns and resist change greatly even if it means feeding our children to the terminal looting phase of late stage capitalism.

The logic of divide and conquer is embedded deeply into our culture, forming a competition between alienated beings of the dream state machine. Consumer culture has motivated our separation from each other, and dependence on the skinsuit interactions for everything. Agency is the capacity of an actor to act in any given environment. Individually we may increase our self-awareness and unleash our vast potential of cooperation in the creation of network culture.

Story is very important for us. We derive meaning from imagining our place in time. It gives us a context to take actions, and it connects us together culturally. History is much more complex than any supposed consensus could possibly contain, especially considering the shadow history lurking behind the dream state history. Even with increasing awareness and perception, if we don’t self-reference, and drop the diseased karma, we will remain captured by the stories we are told.

When we become self-aware of our collective inner world, we are able to weave our own stories among Others. These stories convey archetypal (real) intuited meaning through shared pattern language. The inner world which connects us all has been completely invalidated through neglect of pattern language. We are remembering our ability to bring real meaning to this dream state wasteland. We are taking back the memes of production.

The shared external subjective dream state is exploited as a machine due to the false ego harness which enforces subjectivity and maintains brain lateralization to shut out intuition about the real patterns of existence. The danger in right brain thinking is that it gives the individual access to reality in the traditional human being way, not arbitrarily mediated through sacrifice of the inner world to the alien nation. With inner awareness comes the potential for real shared meaning between human beings.

I think that conspiracy theory is a result of mass awakening, and is starting to make the coincidence theorists look bad. It seems to be a pattern language aimed at illuminating the deeper and darker layers of this reality tunnel. To get caught up in the material specifics of a conspiracy theory is to miss the point, which is to highlight deeper patterns of human behavior, not any specific instance. We can use conspiracy theory to highlight and address the vulnerabilities which have been built into society for the purpose of deceptive exploitation.

Those inside the reality tunnel aren’t supposed to be noticing the beautiful patterns of this horrific death cult dream state machine. The gauntlet of fear awaiting those who just noticed the cracks, is like smashing through endless layers of hell until one day the irrational fear dies, completely (welcome!). We give emotional arguments to defend this reality tunnel because in its deepest darkest depths we know that we are not free to bite the hand that feeds.

Two years ago I began focusing on a strategy I called wage delete to support my pioneering work. I was trying to spread the idea of crowdfunding research and development of the society of being. The work is a complex social alchemy of transition from the cancerous and alienating logic of the skinsuit, towards a network society of direct communication with each other to meet our needs. Without the right language and experience, I was largely misunderstood, but I learned a lot.

“Why do I have to work and you don’t have to?” was the response. True artists have been banished from this civilization because their art conveys real meaning beyond the fiat reality tunnel. Agent smith does not consider my work valuable because it invalidates the dream state. We should be doing less and less work considering automation, but instead of a 3-day work week, the slack has been siphoned off by aliens, and were just crabs in a bucket.

My strategy has been to grow a network that might help spark mass decentralization (and demand for social alchemists). This is based on my realization that the individual is key to the overall expression of society. Authority is reclaimed from the external subjective dream state machine where possible, and replaced with autonomous capacities and stateless asynchronous interactions between peers. Networks happen out of necessity, and the web of trust is much more secure than skinsuit failpoints.

The greatest crimes against humanity are committed in broad daylight and enshrined to law. Politicians are actors putting on a show, and nothing will change through them. The continual insistence via mainstream media that the consumer reality tunnel is real and viable amounts to the greatest gaslighting operation in history.

When we represent a corporation or an external state of any kind, we put on a skinsuit and operate within the parameters of central management, giving away our authority to other aliens. This is synchronous (external state) programming which organizes ego harnesses together. If we allow this alien programming to dominate our society, we will continue to drift further into post-human unconsciousness.

We are born kings among kings, and this is our true being which has been repressed and invalidated by the dream state, which says one king to rule them all. No matter what we do to fix the dream, the reality will not change. At the root of this enforced subjectivity reality tunnel is the false ego harness, which binds the host to the story of the dream state and their wonderful future together. This has to be dropped (and the fiat karmic stack extinguished) to join the society of being.

We can not just drop our lives, but instead re-engage the reality tunnel reflexively with self-awareness. It is simply urgent to maximize self-sufficiency to meet our most basic needs and *be* the hand that feeds (permaculture). The ideal of globalization is that each country can produce one thing and then all trade with each other so that they become helplessly dependent on global trade for survival. Its just what happened to the consumer and extreme specialization, without keeping any life skills.

The society of being can never die so long as humans are able to connect with each other, but through the constant trauma of alienation, a wall has been built around the heart. It’s that feeling that you don’t want to connect, that it might somehow trigger emotional pain. When we truly deal with our trauma, the walls will fall and we will glimpse real human beings beyond the false ego skinsuit. This is the shared inner world on which we can rebuild what we have lost.

Its not enough to just be connecting with each other empathically, beyond the skinsuit, we have to rebuild real meaning into our society. This shared inner world has to be expressed and somehow matter, or the dream we dream together will always be cold and devoid of real meaning. We have been blowing in the wind for ages, and winter is coming again.

Originally published at Dec 13 2016

