The mystery of sots (and some sots history)

Brian Vereschagin
8 min readJan 27, 2017


By Brian Vereschagin

By the time I found sots, I was deep into the cascading destruction my reality. It begins with a question, and then questioning leads to more questioning. Disillusion is the experience that puts a crack in your whole operating complex, and when a seeker is born, the depths of hell await, and so do the heights of heaven. We have been sleeping, but the wake-up calls are becoming louder and more frequent. What is a wake-up call? What does it mean to be awake? Why cant I just go back to sleep?

If you are able to read this, I am going to assume that it means you have a body, which is gaining experiences as it goes through life. The experiences which shake and shatter our worldview are our wake-up calls. We are reaching the limits of our cannibalistic global self-slavery system. As every last drop is squeezed out of the worlds poorest, we now harvest each other. Corporations supercede nations, therefore all nations will be plundered with stunning precision, including yours.

This is why it is not possible to go back to sleep, because the mass suffering capitalism has exported can no longer be exported anywhere. The debt burden is way past the red line of solvency. We are near the end of the hostage taking episode whereby the private central banks decide the plundering cycle is over and stop “kicking the can.” It will look different over night. We have papered over everything and believe this mass illusion propagated by MSM about recovery. We have never been weaker, and never with more potential than now.

There are at least as many paths to enlightenment as there are people on this planet. How can it be that we are all lead in the same direction of awakening? Why is trauma and suffering a REQUIREMENT? Its called the school of life, and its based on reality, but not the reality you imagine, the one that can never be described but only experienced. We all live in the same universe presumably right? So we can expect that we would be sharing much of what is going on. There is some immaterial connection between everything, and the exploration and discovery of this can simply be called spirituality.

Those with a purely material and nihilistic view of life we call pinks. Pinks walk around blurting expressions like “muh scientism” and “muh atheism.” Their level of awareness is similar to that of the other animals on the planet. The exact piece that separates human potential from animal potential is self-awareness. As the mists of Atlantis cleared, humanity achieved the first awakenings. The major development since this time was the firmly subjective experience of the ego. We popped out of the collective dreaming of the animal realm and realized self-hood and individuality.

Just as we domesticated animals, so did humans domesticate other humans. The priest class was the thin blue line that helped to weaponize spirituality against an underclass for rule by those of the reality-based-communities. How as this done? The ego can be thought of as a generic slot for behaviors which relate to subjective (individual) navigation among others. It is a necessary result of subjectivity. This facility has been hijacked and replaced with what could be called a harness. The harness prevents the individual from looking inward to realize their true, and very dangerous, potential.

The ego harness functions to keep the individual in a strictly materialistic worldview bubble. As with other farm animals, the purpose is to extract labor, without question. Remember that questioning is the beginning of the end of this worldview bubble. To look inward, to see the harness, is to begin a spiritual quest. Moments of deep insight, called satori, can come at any moment, and the bubble can burst entirely. It is a frightening prospect, the unknown, but the reason it happens is because reality cannot be papered over, eventually we get a peek, and it might just be enough.

Once it starts, this process doesn’t stop. It gets reinforced by having such a lucid vision of reality, a direct experience of it. Nothing can ever describe what is going on during the process waking up. That’s why we have packaged most of it into myth, into religion, but there is only one religion: the meta-religion. All attempts at expression add to the meta-religion, we will never perfectly express the spiritual. Spiritual expression almost seems like an oxymoron to me, but that doesn’t stop us from taking up the Great Work.

I was feverishly creating and fearlessly posting, just to accelerate my own experience. I didn’t know what I was doing or what was the point. I just had to keep pushing the boundaries, popping up to new plateaus continuously. The vortex of experience that I created was accelerating by itself. Someone told me I should post my work on sots.

What does all of this have to do with the mystery of sots? Sots is a premise: that there is this spectacle of dark sorcery which pushes us further from reality and deeper into alienation. I saw it as just a great context to apply my work against. I knew that people here could wrap their heads around what I was trying to do. They did not kick me out and say that I should post it somewhere else. They engaged me directly, point by point, and I threw myself even more relentlessly at sots.

What I found in sots was not the premise, it was the people. I was near the limit of an exponential rise. The false structures of the ego harness were crumbling, the ground fell out from under me. At a time of peak life stress, I went on vacation for a week on the beach, and I never returned. I left the time circuit, and was visually shown the holo-fractal nature of the universe.

I left that harness on the beach, and all of the irrational fear with it. I noticed that my behavior was different, that I was more free. I literally bought pink pants. (wtf?) So began my journey into the dark night of the soul. Its been two and a half years. I think it took a solid two years to get my bearings. How did I do it? I continued to engage with others, I continued to express myself in art, so that I could understand myself better. I am so very thankful for all the shit in my life, and that I had time to heal.

Healing is the point. There is a lot of suffering trauma in the world. We have to remain cognitively dissonant about it because there is SO MUCH of it, and our collective ignorance propagates it. Its time to wake up. There are no more excuses. Wake up to reality. This is the spiritual path. We are all earth and no heaven (all matter, no spirit). This is not a fight my little warrior of light. The matter (dark) is just as important as the spirit(light), but one without the other is the only basis for slavery. Its time for the middle way.

When I joined sots, there were only 200 subscribers. Maybe this made it more personable and accessible at the time. I could easily see that I had found Others. Others who had definitely gone through some of the same experiences as I did. The interesting part is that unless you have had this experience, you cannot recognize it in others!!! What I saw unfold was a battle of good and evil. (see “is sots becoming” posts) Some forces want sots to be defined, crystallized, settled, to become dead patterns, and police its discursive boundaries. Some forces want sots to evade definition, to come alive, to break out of the territory, and to always be open to letting new light in.

There has to be a balance. It can not be one way or the other as this only leads to cycles of destruction. Enantiodromia will split any attempt at perfect polarization. Listen to the Buddha. Find the middle way in everything; between light and dark. What we tried to do was to create the classic Temporary Autonomous Zone, which is a territory defined by deterritorialization. This is the idea that a space can be continually encountering and adapting to the immaterial, the archetypal, the hidden forces of the spirit where our true power lies.

The spark was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain in the sots subreddit, so we had to expand. We broke the territory, and reterritorialized upon new media, a Telegram real-time chat. It was small, only a few of us, and we were on a mission. Soon, our little TEAM chat was getting overrun, so we had to create a general chat for #sots where people could get on with their chatting, and not disturb the creating. The #sots chat become popular very quickly and currently sits at 166 members (even with past purges).

We still had command of the situation on the back channels though, and many new channels popped up, carving out new territories. Everything we touched grew like mushrooms out of our control, consuming our seed patterns that we created, and crystallizing the territories into semi-dead husks. What becomes clear is that this spark, the act of breaking the territory, going into the wild infinite,and pulling out the new is the real treasure of the network. The spark comes from those who are awake; from creators, not mere consumers.

So what have we been sparking up? Surely not just sacred herbs. We discovered the Protocols, and have been developing them for quite some time. They now power our social network, and have seamlessly inserted us into the front lines of the most wonderful and challenging project this planet has to offer: eschatonic state change. The apocalypse has been underway for a long time; its an individual process, based on personal experiences. We may be reaching a tipping point as wake-up factors accelerate, if ignorance wins and we choose fear over love, it may be a long time before we ever have this chance again.

Our technology is very difficult to describe as it is hermetically sealed; the Protocols only function when executed by an awakened human being. They are anchored on the individual. They disintermediate everything, and connect us directly to our Other selves. They bring opposites to common ground. They bring heaven to earth. They are exactly what you’ve been looking for, and we need your help. Some of our finest business cats have been working hard on our latest project, a publishing house: The Spectacle Agency.

Pay no attention to the rumors of a hostile corporate takeover, and let me assure you that the Spectacle Agency is in no way affiliated with #sotscorp. We are an honest publishing house looking to help the sots community develop a more powerful voice. I welcome anyone who is interested in more concrete endeavors to sign up to the site (and Telegram chat) and help us get our shit together. We have been discussing this for a long time, podcasts, some kinda quarterly zine, etc. Registration is open for now to anyone who wants to contribute. The site is also brand new and unfocused so pretty much anything goes (for now).

Originally published at 21 Oct 2016

