Here Is The Super Unique Way I Want To Read The Best Of Your Articles

Will You Share Your Best Article With Me To Read?

Passive Income Journey
7 min readSep 24, 2023
Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

It’s Sunday today.

The previous day was super chill. No work and only relaxing.

That magical one day break has supercharged me. and I am super active now. 😃

Yes, since morning today, I am working on one passion project. I will tell you more about it as we progress in this article.

Before that, the previous day was not only special because of the idleness experiment. but there was one more significant thing that happened the previous day.

What was that?

I reached the mark of publishing 150 articles on medium.

Yes, super-duper milestone. Isn’t it?

I am super proud about it. 😃

Alright. That’s all fine. but, what’s the relevance of it with today’s article’s headline?

Ah okay.

I am coming to it.

The Best Article

Early morning today, I was thinking. If someone asks me a question — what is your The Best Article out of those 150 articles you have published so far? what would be my answer.

A simple yet effective question. isn’t it? and that’s where an interesting idea popped up in my mind. and that has the relevance with today’s article’s title.

Let me connect the dots for you so that it’ll be very easy for you to understand.

As a writer, we may have written many articles. We may be pouring our heart and soul in every article that we write. but still. there may a special article which would be very close to our heart. and per my viewpoint. that’s the best article of us.

It may be possible that, our best article may or may not have performed excellent. It may not have got the views it deserved. the claps it deserved. the appreciation it deserved. but still. this article may be special to us. for some reason. very special reason.

So, I was thinking which is my The Best Article? and I found mine. Theis article was super special and super close to my heart.

Here is my The Best Article.

Share Your Best Article With Me

Coming back to the idea that popped up in my mind. I thought that, if I have my best article to share with the world. my fellow writers may also have their best article they may want to share with everyone. After all, showcasing best of our work is such a proud moment.

And yes, I want to be the one to read your The Best Article. will you share your The Best Article with me to read?

This question was the source of inspiration to something cool.

It enabled me to come up with an idea of — Masterpieces of Medium.

I thought that, why not create a little corner on the internet. that would be a gateway to the exceptional articles from all the fellow writers. It would be a place to see the best of the articles from every writer.

Yes, this was a super cool idea to create a website where your brightest star (your the best article) will get a chance to shine.

This portal will be an anchor for navigating the Best of Medium’s Writing. It would act as a source of exceptional read to discover the gems of articles on Medium.

This would be the best way to craft the best of the reading list. Isn’t it?

I am super excited to read the best of your work. And for that, I decided to prepare the portal — Masterpieces of Medium.

That’s what I was doing since today morning. The portal is LIVE now 😃

Are you interested to know behind-the-scenes story of this portal?

Keep reading. I am just about to share that.

Masterpieces of Medium

The masterpieces of medium portal looks as below.

A simple, minimalist and elegant design.

web view
web view of masterpieces of Medium portal

And you know what. I completed setting up the entire portal in around 4–5 hours. both web view and mobile view.

The mobile view looks as following.

mobile view of masterpieces of medium portal

Let’s now see how I completed this portal in around 4–5 hours.


The very first step was to come up with a design. I wanted to keep it very simple. Only a one page portal. Nothing fancy. Nothing extra ordinary.

To list down the articles in the portal, I decided to embed google sheets. That’ll be one of the fastest and the quickest way to get the portal completed in no time.

Google Sheet

Next, I finalized the google sheet design. This too is very simple one. I decided to capture the serial no, article title with it’s link & the writer name.

Building the Portal

I had earlier explored Wix a little bit. and I found it super simple to use. So, for building this portal. I decided to build it in wix.

Playing around with website creation and experimenting with setting up the elements here and there, I finally settled with the final layout of the portal. web view was completed first and next was mobile view.

All thanks to wix, because of which I could create this entire portal in unbelievable time.

Google Form

Next was to create the google form. so as everyone can submit their article with me. Again a very basic and a simple google form wherein one has to share the title of the article, link to the article and the medium user name.

One most important thing,

You don’t have to submit your email address. I am not building this portal for building up my email list. I have built this portal with the pure intention to read your best of the article.

The form that I have designed looks as below.

Google form to submit your The Best Article

Testing The Portal

The last but not the least part was. to test the portal end-to-end. Submitting the google form with the details to showing up the articles list in the portal.

And you know what, everything worked like the charm.

Here is the link to the portal for your quick reference.

I haven’t bought the domain name yet 😃. I am not making any money from medium yet 😃. So, this portal is created as a free website in wix. hence you may see the wix banner at the top. Kindly bear with it.

If you liked the concept of this portal, and if you want to support my work. You may want to Buy Me A Coffee or purchase any of my digital products. That would be a great support for me. and, in future I may plan to get a domain for this portal as well 😃

Alright! Let’s now see how you can submit the article and rules of the submission.

How To Share Your Article? And Rules For Submission

To share your The Best Article with me, you will have to fill in the following google form.

Make sure that you have filled up the details appropriately. The title of the article, the link to the article and your medium profile name.

The only rule for the submission is — You just have to submit only ONE article and it has to be a Medium article. The best article of yours. So, a kind request to do not submit multiple articles.

When Will The Article Be Listed On Masterpieces Of Medium Portal?

Once you have submitted the google form, I will review the details you have submitted.

If all the details look good, the article will be listed on the mater pieces of medium portal the very next day around 6PM IST.

Important Links

Here are the important links for your handy reference.

The google form link for submitting the article.

The link to the Masterpieces of Medium portal.

Ending Note

I have done a sincere effort to read the best of your article. will you be interested to share your best article with me? I am super excited to read it.

Also, did you like the concept of the Masterpieces of medium portal? What are your thoughts? What’s your feedback? Please share them in the comment section. I would love to read them.

Thank you very much for carving out time to read this article. I am looking forward to your submission to read your The Best Article.

With that signing off ❤️. And yes, that follow button is waiting for you to hit. It would be a great motivation if you do so. But one request! Only do it, if you think my work deserves it. Have a wonderful time. Thank you!

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Passive Income Journey

Writes about Passive Income, Self-Improvement, Writing, Books, Motivation, Positivity & Life. for digital products