Here Is Your Exceptional Chance To Nail The Consistency In 3 Legendary Steps

Celebrating 5K Milestone In A Special Way

Passive Income Journey
6 min readSep 20, 2023
Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

As they say, everything you want is on the other side of the consistency.

That’s so true.

But, practicing consistency is a BIG deal. isn’t it?

Do you know the reason behind it?

Consistency is very demanding. It demands your time. your patience. your motivation. your hard work. your determination. your perseverance and so much more.

Consistency will even try to make us feel bored. It may even possible that. it will not even show the results for a longer time and that may make us feel bit frustrated as well. but, that’s success in making. and that’s why they say. consistency is the real deal.

Consistency has so much to offer to us. but, only if we practice consistency, we will be able to know the real magic of consistency.

If it would have been so easy to practice consistency. everyone would have been doing it. isn’t it? everyone would have been successful. Isn’t it?

But that’s not the case. and do you know why so?

What generally happens is — we start something new. we are so excited about it in the beginning. and as the days passes. for some or the other reasons. it becomes very challenging to stay consistent.

Practicing consistency is not that easy.

But, not any more now!

I have a good news for you.

You may now start practicing consistency. and nail it in 3 legendary steps. and too, in a super simple, super unique, and a practical way.

Launching A New Course

I am so excited to share a fantastic news with you. I am launching our new course today.

Nailing Consistency In 3 Legendary Steps

This course is very close to my heart. I have created this course with the pure intention to help you start practicing consistency. I have thoughtfully designed & crafted every piece of this course.

It’s one-of-a-kind course. that will help you to level up your consistency game and your writing journey.

my new course

What’s the Price Of This Course?

With pure heart & pure intention. my aim to create this course was. to give value and set a stage for you to start practicing consistency to achieve your goals.

That’s the reason, I have come up with a special price & a unique offer for this new course.

This game-changing course will be yours for only -

the price of my new course

Yes, $1 USD is all that costs to you to make this epic course yours.

But, as I said. I have something more special & interesting for you.

The best part is -

I’ll literally REFUND you the $1 if you take the action and actually start practicing consistency.

This course is about enabling you to start practicing consistency. and, if this course helps you to achieve consistency. all my efforts creating this course are worth. and, I don’t want anything more than that.

That’s the reason I have come up with this super unique & super special REFUND offer.

Earlier I thought to offer this course completely FREE without even costing $1. but then I thought about it deeply and decided to keep the price as $1.

The reason behind this is very simple. people who are genuinely interested. and really want to take action about staying consistent should only buy this course. only they will understand the true value of what this course has to offer.

The idea was to give value and help everyone. who genuinely wants to start practicing consistency. but for some or the other reasons are struggling with it.

If the course would have been availed without spending 1$ and completely FREE beforehand, it may possible that we may not even value the course much. we may not start putting it into practise. but, If you have spent 1$ for purchasing the course. It will act as a motivation to continue practice the consistency. after all, we may not want to waste our 1$ of investment. Isn’t it?

So that’s why, I thought of giving this course for 1$. and then refunding it back once you have started practicing consistency. and completed all the exercises/activities as mentioned in the course. I thought this will be a good and a unique idea.

And the beauty is. the course will be absolutely FREE for you this way.

Isn’t that a good deal?

So, what are you waiting for? Get the course right away!

Also, there was a very special reason behind creating this course.

Special Reason For Creating This Course

We are an online family of 5K now. Yes, we’ve recently achieved the 5k milestone this week.

Yes, that’s a big one! and I wanted to celebrate this milestone in a very special & a unique way.

And, to express my heartfelt gratitude. and to show my token of thanks for all your love, all your blessings and all your support. I have crafted this game-changer course.

You’ll be surprised to know that. I took up a challenge to prepare the whole course from idea to launch readiness. everything just over the weekend.

Yes, I crafted this entire course over the last weekend. You may find it interesting to read the whole behind-the-scenes story. about how I created this course and how I completed it over the weekend. You’ll like it for sure.

Where To Buy This Course?

The course is now available on my Gumroad store. You may want to buy it for yourself. or gift it to anyone in your circle who may want to start practicing consistency in the writing journey.

I hope the course will be super useful and super helpful to start practicing consistency.

I have poured my heart creating the course. and I literally hope the course reaches to anyone and everyone. who wants to start taking action on achieving consistency.

Once again, a heartfelt gratitude and a BIG thank you for everything!

Thank you very much for carving out time to read this article. and considering to buy my course.

Your support means the world to me.

Your goal, your dream, your success is waiting for you.

You have to reach there.

And yes, you can do it.

Believe in yourself.

Do your best and forget the rest.

Everything will fall in place with time.

Keep showing your work. One day there will be your day.

With that signing off ❤️. And yes, that follow button is waiting for you to hit. It would be a great motivation if you do so. But one request! Only do it, if you think my work deserves it. Have a wonderful time. Thank you!

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☕️ If you feel my work is worth an appreciation, you can buy me a coffee!

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Passive Income Journey

Writes about Passive Income, Self-Improvement, Writing, Books, Motivation, Positivity & Life. for digital products