Pat Chaney
5 min readApr 9, 2024


Did you know that true love asks for nothing
Her acceptance is the way we pay
Did you know that life has given love a guarantee
To last through forever and another day

(Until the ocean covers every mountain high) Always
(Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea) Always
(Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream)

  • Stevie Wonder/ ‘AS’ 1976

I’m once again in Shock after learning that an Old Love of mine has made his Transition…AND I had a Premonition about Him.

I always Joke that He wore me down because I was not interested; He was not my type. We First met on a Work Project in Boston 1993 when a fellow colleauge introduced us…but I had noticed in passing that He stared at me whenever our paths crossed.

Then one day while I was in the Hotel Gym with a female friend she noticed him staring too.

“ He got the Hotz for You Gurl.” She whispered. “I know that look.”

I looked over my shoulder and noticed Him standing at a treadmill but staring in our direction. Dressed in work-out attire I also noticed He had nice legs.

“Not my Type.” Was my response.

We walked into the living room and I sat down on the couch puzzled as hell as Mitchell kept watching me with that silly-azz grin on his face.

“He…He…looks just like the dude from Skylark.

I looked at Unc then at Mitchell who was chuckling at the statement.

Then Mitchell let out a guffaw and both he and Unc were laughing their azzes off as Mitchell fell onto the couch holding his stomach he was laughing so damn hard.

“That’s….’cause…hahaha…he…is…hahaha…the dude….hahaha Lord Help Me…from Skylark.”

Unc looked at me apologetically, “ So Sorry but Nephew talked me into the prank because you’d told him how you loved Skylark and Wildflower…I thought it was cute.”

“I see.” I answered shooting an evil-look at Mitchell who was still rolling back and forth on the couch.

“He got Jokes.” I said to Unc.

Two years later He and I ended up on a large Insurance Project in Tallahassee FL as Supervisors over two shifts; Day & Swing. I opted for the 3–11 pm shift so I could sleep in.

The Chase was On again as He and I were thrown together in meetings and work shops. This included counseling for the adjusters as needed.

One Morning He stopped me in the break room and asked could I stop by his cubicle on my way out.

“I need your Opinion on something.”

I Agreed wondering if this was another way to come on to me.

Turns out He had discovered Huge Fraud where Money was being routed to Fake Companies: One Culprit was from our Company and the other was an employee of the Client. We’re talking a half million dollars.

He showed me a spread sheet detailing all the discrepancies.

The Fraud was reported to the Client’s Manager who called in the authorities. It made National News.

I was Impressed with Him now for sure.

I was slowly warming up to Him.

I found out He was a Graphic Artist and Origami Artist.

Soon After He asked me out and I agreed with one stipulation.

I have always loved Wallabees and challenged Him to make one for me and

I would Agree to a Dinner Date with Him.

He agreed with a visible smirk on his handsome face.

One day as I was signing in at the Project something caught my eye as not the usual desk adornment.

I walked over picked up the Object examined it closer then chuckled to myself.

Not only had He created a Kangaroo but a Baby in her pouch…I was Impressed.


On our first dinner date Mitchell was a perfect gentleman and we learned about each other. After that it was on…looking back I used to view it as Puppy Love but it grew deeper and stronger than just a Fling.

Over a span of three years we managed to go on the same Projects…Love on The Road has a special Magic equivalent to Rose-Colored Glasses.

Now that He had me some qualities surfaced that I could not tolerate; Jealousy and Insecurity. I tried to look over these incidents but I was concerned when once He almost got into a tussle with another male Consultant over the two Us of working on a Project together.

We parted ways but remained Friends and always kept in Touch via texting and emails because we still had Love for each other.

About a week ago he did not respond to a text I sent Him and I had an Ominous feeling. He Always Responded.

One Morning I awoke with my Heart Racing I went on FaceBook to check His younger brother’s Posts. His brother had changed his Profile Photo to the one of Mitchell sitting on a couch with his trademark hand-to-chin pose.

The Words seemed to Float Off The laptop screen and glimmer in the Air.


That familiar pain/pang squeezed my Heart similar to a muscle cramp that won’t release.

The Memories cascade over me as my eyes began to leak.

His Love for Me was real and mine for Him; Through misty eyes I stare at a stack Jimi Hendrix T Shirts. He Knew I was a Huge Jimi Hendrix Fan and would buy the T Shirts and mail them to me when he came across nice ones …I lost count of how many I have.

The Tears Have Not Fell Yet…But When They Do They Will Be of Monsoon Proportions.