Pat Chaney
5 min readApr 22, 2023

UPDATE 5/29/2024

I had no idea when I wrote this and addressed long-buried feelings that it would morph into a Trilogy due to new developments.

Those new developments have proved to be Spooky and Soul-Shaking for me who considers myself to be a Strong Black Woman.

  • PeeCee




She’s faced the hardest times, you could imagine
And many times her eyes fought back the tears
And when her youthful world, was about to fall in
Each time her slender shoulders
Bore the weight of all her fears
And a sorrow no one hears
Still rings in midnight silence, in her ears

Circa 1973

Man Oh Man when I tell you how my younger self related to this song there are no words to describe it. I used to imagine that lead singer Donny Gerrard was singing it to me.

CIRCA 1990'S

I was enroute to Santa Fe NM to meet up with Mitchell whose favorite uncle lived there and had not been doing well health-wise. I had never met anyone in his family at this time and was more than a little nervous to be meeting someone for the first time under these circumstances.

It was Mitchell’s first visit to Santa Fe also and he gushed about it, “Oh PeeCee you will Love this place with your ‘Hippie-Militant’ self! “

I was a little surprised at the invitation as it was still early in our relationship I thought for meeting family but I relished the trip to Santa Fe as I’d never been there in my travels.

Mitchell picked me up at the airport and hugged me like he ain’t seen me in years which I thought was peculiar and proceeded to tell me they were having a barbecue and Margaritas.

We pulled into the driveway of a very nice two story home.


“Wait till you see inside.” Mitchell grabbed my luggage and we walked to the door.

“I told Unc all about you.”

I cast a suspicious glance at Mitchell as the front door swung open.

A handsome man who looked a lot like Mitchell stood in the door smiling.

As we got closer seems I recognized Unc from somewhere although I knew I’d never met or saw any photos of him.

Mitchell had the biggest grin on his face as we entered the house.

“Hey Sweetie glad you made it safely.” He said while taking my hand and pulling me in for a hug.

Mitchell also called me ‘Sweetie’ a family tradition?

We walked into the living room and I sat down on the couch puzzled as hell as Mitchell kept watching me with that silly-azz grin on his face.

“He…He…looks just like the dude from Skylark.” I said out loud.

I looked at Unc then at Mitchell who was chuckling at the statement.

Then Mitchell let out a guffaw and both he and Unc were laughing their azzes off as Mitchell fell onto the couch holding his stomach he was laughing so damn hard.

“That’s….’cause…hahaha…he…is…hahaha…the dude….hahaha Lord Help Me…from Skylark.”

The Laugh Riot was so loud it caught Donny’s Wife Myra’s attention. A Pretty bronze-complexion woman with a head-full of beautiful black glossy curls no perm needed.

She rushed into the room looked at Mitchell writhing on the couch consumed by Laughter and Unc trying his best to stop laughing, shaking her head and punched Unc in the arm with her mighty little fist.

“Oh No they ‘Pranked You’!” She exclaimed. Cannot leave these two unsupervised for even a minute!”

Unc looked at me apologetically, “ So Sorry but Nephew talked me into the prank because you’d told him how you loved Skylark and Wildflower…I thought it was cute.”

“I see.” I answered shooting an evil-look at Mitchell who was still rolling back and forth on the couch.

“He got Jokes.” I said to Unc.


I was unable to see the humor in Mitchell’s prank until years later…in retrospect it was ‘corny’ but funny as hell. I became acquainted with Donny’s wife Myra who was a very sweet lady.

I enjoyed the ambiance while relaxing on the patio which had a beautiful view of the mountains and sipping Margaritas. Every so often Mitchell would look at me and began laughing again.

“I cannot believe you didn’t tell me this Knowing how much I Love the song Wildflower!”

“I keep a low profile you never know who may be chasing you just for Clout.”

“Ooooh that is so weak and remember it was YOU who Chased ME relentlessly for two years until you wore me down!”

Mitchell smiled looked at Unc and said, “It was well worth the wait.”

“I agree Nephew…this one is a Keeper Let’s toast to that!” We raised our glasses and clinked them loudly.

Santa Fe is a very romantic and scenic place especially at night…the Sunsets are Spectacular as well as the Vibe.

Mitchell and I went for a drive in Unc’s Convertible Silver Mustang with the top down.

“You know I will Never Ever let you forget this.” I said menacingly.

Mitchell smiled kissed me on the forehead and said, “Let’s roll the night is still young.”


I never got a chance to see Donny again as he was still working and touring. Mitchell said he Always asked about me and really liked me.

“Nephew She is the One for You don’t let her get away.” Unc cautioned.

When I learned of his passing Feb 03, 2022 I was crushed such a Sweet Soul.

I can still hear his beautiful voice singing ‘Wild Flower’ to me.

Mitchell Junior High Looks So Much Like Unc Donny
Mitchell junior High Resembles His Uncle Donny Gerrard
Donny Gerrard with Skylark