Why every person on earth should care that bizarre lies are being believed about Tesla

Paul Pallaghy, PhD
7 min readNov 11, 2022
Model Ys ready for shipping.

For the rest of us, who cares if the Tesla stock price is still down 50% on record highs? Or plummeting every 2nd week? Right? Despite near perfect technical execution and record profit margins – in the face of what is demonstrably misleading half-truths and short-term-ism?

It seems so trivial and obtuse, except to stock market investors and gamblers, doesn’t it?

But we should care.

This is an indictment on society.

That so many have come to accept not just blatant lies that violate evidential truth.

But also the practice of disseminating lies in the first place.

Simply because some don’t like Musk’s candor? Well, even I don’t agree with everything Elon Musk says e.g. on Covid19, but he’s solid on most of his claims.

His largely centrist politics? He’s actually taking a rather reasonable middle ground: he voted for . . Biden like the centre-left guy he mostly is. BUT, as a centrist, he stands up for some personally held, so-called ‘right-wing’ causes: he’s not in favor of cancel culture.

Or his apparent lack of compassion towards Twitter employees (who received 3 month severance checks) he as Twitter owner deemed…



Paul Pallaghy, PhD

PhD Physicist / AI engineer / Biophysicist / Futurist into global good, AI, startups, EVs, green tech, space, biomed | Founder Pretzel Technologies Melbourne AU