
When The Program Fails People Die Part X

A Sunny Alexander-Johnson And Henry James Series

P.G. Barnett
Published in
5 min readApr 28, 2020


My name is Sunny Alexander-Johnson, and I’m Henry James, and we’re writers for Dark Sides of the Truth magazine.

Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX

The three of us stood behind a one-way mirror standing beside a Pennsylvania state trooper as Manny and the dude Roberto had worked over sat across from each other in an interrogation room.

Although conscious, the man seemed as if he was one breath away from collapsing. His face was a swollen, bruised mess, swathed in so many bandages he could have posed as a stunt double in a mummy movie.

“Damn, Roberto. Remind me never to piss you off.”

“Oh, I wasn’t pissed at him, Robert. I was just taking care of business.”

“You two wanna put a sock in it? I can’t hear a damn thing being said.”

We watched as Manny flopped open a folder, examined it for a bit, then turned it around and pushed it over to the man.

“So, Anthony, it seems as if you’ve had a pretty stellar career here. Busted for carjacking and moving coke when you were sixteen. Then tried as an adult when you were…



P.G. Barnett

A published author enjoying married Texas bliss. Dog person living with cats. A writer of Henry James' stories. Featured In MuckRack. Top Writer In Fiction.