Security Code Review 101 — Protecting Data (Part 1)

Strategies for storing and transmitting data securely.

Paul Ionescu
8 min readJan 13, 2019

This article is part of a series. The previous article describes strategies for preventing memory flaws. You can access it here:

About Confidentiality

Users entrust developers with their data. To earn and maintain their trust, we must employ security controls that protect data from unauthorized access. Confidentiality is one of three essential elements of Information Security, also known as the CIA triad (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability).

Unfortunately the track record is not good. The number of user records exposed in the United States has been in the billions in 2016 and 2017. 2018 will likely be the same, once the final tally is calculated.

Statistic: Annual number of data breaches and exposed records in the United States (in millions) | Statista

It is worth mentioning that not all of these breaches were caused by programming flaws. Some were caused by negligence, many were caused by phishing and malware attacks.

However at least one of the breaches of 2017 was caused by a programming flaw. The breach at the credit rating company Equifax was responsible for almost 10% of the damage: 146 million records. The attack leveraged a OGNL Injection vulnerability in the Apache Struts library and the subsequent failure to patch the affected systems. You can read about Injection flaws in one of the previous articles in this series.

Spotting Data Breaches During Code Review

Besides vulnerabilities in 3rd party components, there are programming flaws that specifically involve storage and transmission of data and they may be prevented during code review. They are as follows:

  • Cleartext Storage of Sensitive Information — CWE 312
  • Use of a One-Way Hash without a Salt — CWE 759
  • Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information — CWE 319
  • Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm — CWE 327

We will review a few examples of these flaws and how they can be prevented through software security best practices.

Uniquely Identifying Data Without Knowing the Data

One of the strongest countermeasures that can be employed to prevent data breaches is not storing the data at all.

But what if you still need to work with the data? For example, what if you wanted to verify a user’s password without storing the actual password value?

You could transform the data in a non-reversible way. This can be done through a cryptographic operation known as hashing.

Hashing algorithms, such as the SHA-2 class of algorithms, convert data in a way that cannot be reversed. However this doesn’t prevent one from trying a large amount of possible values in order to reach the same outcome. This is known as cracking. Cracking takes a long time and requires a lot of computing resources. Hackers maintain lists of pre-computed hashes, known as rainbow tables, in order to avoid the computing cost.

Diagram of an attack leveraging a representation of rainbow tables.

The defence employed against rainbow tables is to complicate the calculation by adding a salt. A salt is a random value that is added to the data being transformed in order to alter the resulting hash.

"ABCDEFG" + "-32524..." -> sha256("ABCDEFG-32524...") -> 97AF3...
original salt

Another defence against cracking is adaptive hashing. This involves re-hashing the data for a large amount of iterations, each iteration taking longer than the previous. This increases the computing time. For a single hash the time is negligible but for a cracking attack it results in millions of years. A largely adopted adaptive hashing algorithm is PBKDF2.

Let’s take a look at the following code snippets. Can you spot the security flaw?

Two different code snippets. One is missing a password hash.

If you identified the top example as being flawed you were correct. The top example requires the user password stored as is. The bottom application is storing the data hashed several times to increase computing time and is also using a salt.

Secure hashing may be employed for various other types of data. For example if an application needs to uniquely identify users for analytics purposes, it could construct a unique, non-reversible hash from the user name and their IP address. This process is known as Tokenization.

If the website analytics database is breached and the only thing obtained by the attackers are these hashes, the data is useless to them or too costly to reverse. However if the database contains user names and IPs and if the user names are actual e-mails (a practice employed by many sites), then e-mails will be sold on the dark web to be used for phishing and spam campaigns.

Securing the Transmission of Data

Hashing can be an effective way to secure the data, but what if the attacker is able to intercept the data before it is transformed? What if they can intercept the data even before it reaches the application?

Up until 2018 major news outlets such as CNN or FOX NEWS were accessible over unencrypted URLs. Those are site addresses that start with http:// .

One of the things that may have prompted many sites to change this behaviour was the addition of a Not Secure message to the address bar of the popular Google Chrome browser for all http:// addresses.

Image displayed if the site uses clear text communication.

When a website uses clear text to communicate with its users, man-in-the-middle attacks are possible. These attacks are can be online or offline attacks. Offline attacks usually target the Confidentiality of the data, for example tracking a user’s activity online or stealing their credentials. Online attacks can also impact the Integrity of the data, like for example replacing the content of a trusted news outlet with malware.

Communication security protocols, indicated by https:// URLs, prevent man-in-the-middle attacks by encrypting the transmission and verifying the identity of the two parties involved in the communication.

There are many details to transmission security that may be better covered in a dedicated article, but we will focus primarily on one aspect that may come up during a code review. This is using https:// URLs.

Let’s take a look at a code example. Can you spot the code that transmits data insecurely?

Two different code snippets. One is communicating insecurely.

If you identified the bottom example as insecure you were correct. Notice that the URL is prefixed with http:// meaning that the data is transmitted in clear text. Looking a bit to the right you can spot two pieces of sensitive information being transmitted in the URL.

Note that is bad practice to store sensitive information in the URL even if the url starts with https:// . Thats’s because the URL may be inadvertently bookmarked, sent to a 3rd party or stored in web server logs.

Sometimes developers change the code to ignore invalid certificates because the test environment they are using does not have a valid web server certificate. This is a bad practice because it practically violates the server identity verification and allows man-in-the-middle attackers to pretend they are the target website. It is recommended to configure the development environment to trust the test certificate instead of altering the program behaviour.

Reversible Encryption

What if you must be able to work with the user data in clear text? For example, you operate an online shopping or other financial site and must store the user’s name, address and credit card information to process transactions.

First, I would like to emphasize that if this is the case, the site has a huge target painted on it. It is likely subject to daily attacks. This is likely the case for sites like Equifax or your banking site.

Unfortunately encryption would have not saved Equifax because the vulnerability allowed attackers to run code on the web site. This let the attackers make the web site do their bidding. Another thing that helped the attackers is that the breach was not observed for a long period of time, allowing them to exfiltrate information as users were interacting with the website.

However let’s say the attackers don’t have this kind of access, but they have access to the physical hard drive of the database server. A different common attack vector could be a SQL Injection vulnerability that allows attackers to alter the database queries in order to expose sensitive data.

In these cases encryption can be effective, provided that the attackers cannot retrieve the encryption keys. If encryption keys are stored on a separate server, also known as a Key Management Server or Service (KMS), then attackers must obtain access to this server as well, which complicates the attack. However if the encryption keys are stored in the same database, decrypting the data is trivial. This scenario is similar to hiding a key under the mat.

Let’s take a look at some code examples written in Node.js. Can you identify the vulnerable snippet?

Two different code snippets. One is storing data in clear text.

If you identified the top example you are correct. The top example is storing the customer personal financial information in a AWS S3 bucket. S3 buckets have notoriously been exposed to data breaches in the past years. While S3 offers data encryption capabilities, this configuration may not be enabled and it does not protect from all types of attacks.

To sum it all up

Some key takeaways from this article:

  • Where possible employ secure hashing to transform the data in a way that cannot be reversed
  • Enforce secure communication between clients and servers
  • Encrypt sensitive data in databases to prevent physical data theft and mitigate SQL Injection
  • Store encryption keys in a KMS
  • Vulnerabilities that allow code execution on the server may still expose the data in spite of encryption, so all secure coding practices are data protection practices.

Due to the extensive nature of the data protection subject we are going to stop here for now. In the next article we cover what are some of the government and compliance standard requirements for data protection and how do they affect coding.



Paul Ionescu

Cyber-security professional and OWASP contributor from Ottawa, Canada. Creator and maintainer of the Secure Coding Dojo open source project.