I Finally Started A Content Calendar (Part I)

Paula Martins
2 min readApr 10, 2024


Photo by 2H Media on Unsplash

Welcome to Day #18 of my 30-day writing challenge. Catch up on my journey here.

As I mentioned yesterday, I realized it’s finally time to set up a content calendar for the remaining days of my writing challenge.

So, I finally sat down and started crafting one. For the first part of this 2-part article, I’ll be I’m breaking down the steps I took to build one that works for me!

I started by…

#1 Thinking about the main topic I wanted to write about

If you’ve been keeping up with me on Medium, you might have noticed that most of my content is focused on writing tips. I

’ve been sharing the challenges I’ve seen and the insights I’ve had from this 30-day writing challenge.

I don’t want to move too far away from the main topic, so I went on to…

#2 Picking topics that relate to writing

These include:

  • Tips on organization
  • Growth strategies
  • Inspiration sources
  • Editing

Then, to wrap up, I:

#3 Added broader topics

Like “habit building”, which relates to organization, and “content” (like books, movies, and TV shows), which can often be referenced in my articles as inspiration sources.

So here’s what I have to start my content calendar:

Next Steps

Now that I’ve got the topics, I can start thinking about specific pieces and design a content calendar with a deliverable timeframe.

But that’s something I’ll share tomorrow in Part II.



Paula Martins

I'm a content marketer from 9-5 and a creative writer from 5-9.