In order to gain clarity on web3.o — A Simple Guide(2), there will be a need to read up Web3.0 — A Simple Guide (1).

Victor Paul
10 min readAug 6, 2022

Why Web 3.0 is Important

Bringing to the fore all that web3.0 stands to offer as well as what makes it important can be likened to political dispensations where the need to vote for credibility and good leadership cannot be over-emphasized. The choices to make will likely be between web2.0 and web3.0. However, chances are that the polls might favor web3.0.

Web2.0 currently runs on an unbalanced creator economy where just a few authorities decide the welfare of all, and these few can be likened to big platform owners and captains of industries whose projects are used by a vast population daily.

For example, Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Twitch, are platforms that have access to a relatively large amount of user data in exchange for access to their platforms. In turn, these data are traded in high volumes with the big corporations they sell it to. Sadly, these data are used to track and control human behavior as well as detect what they do by voluntarily offering services or products they think these users will like to have in their user feeds.

This is the power of emotional intelligence which these corporations use in turn to control the unbalanced creator economy (web2.0). Frankly speaking, users are at the point in time where there is a great need to be aware of how each individual’s data is put at risk due to its high centralization.

On this note, some past decades have witnessed some situational breaches of user's data by (banks, retailers, and social platforms) and this has placed data at risk since it can be inappropriately used, hence, demonstrating that contents posted and provided by users to online platforms cannot be fully private. Issues such as this have led to the reason why companies like Bondex will come into the game to change the narrative, intending to give power and wealth back to the users.

The importance of web3.0 will begin by taking note of its surrounding technology. Web 3.0 is built specifically by the use of cryptographic primitives and open-source code where prospective users are allowed to contribute to projects through code review that can boost the security and entire transparency of the web. This will ultimately lead to providing a level-headed ground to display the dynamic power within the creator economy.

Being built and powered by blockchain technology, web3.0 will fully adopt the concept of interoperability where users can easily vote or move from one desired platform to another. A closer inference can be drawn from Bitcoin which serves as a full decentralized project on blockchain technology. The Bitcoin economy was built in such a way that it can’t be tampered with by any single entity or corporation except by a unanimous vote of the collective creator economy where the miners on the network will validate it.

Within the present web 2.0 framework, users necessarily wait for platforms to carry out some required actions whenever complaints, errors, or a breach has been successful. In web3.0, the terms are entirely different in the sense that creators are allowed to act through built-in governance and moderation methods. This is by far one of the most outstanding reasons and the way web 3.0 is envisaged to provide value, wealth, and power back to the creators.

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Summarizing the Differences Between Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0

  • In Web 1.0 — The content base is static or passive with the use of HTML or CSS as its core language. It has no virtual environment and is driven by static advertising via banners. In web1.0, data storage is kept in a single internet site server, and the interaction in this ecosystem is done via desktop browsers. Lastly, the information here is structured through the use of SQL.
  • In Web 2.0: The content base is user-generated, and this spreads across network platforms. In terms of technology, there is dynamic HTML, JavaScript, and Java. Web2 makes use of a 3D virtual environment with interactive advertising feel, while the statistics storage is owned by large tech giants. Interaction within the web2 space is through mobile touch displays, having an unstructured information system (Big Data).
  • In Web 3.0: The content base is user-owned in the form of a non-fungible token (NFT), for example, an artwork, music file, or even a text file. The technology consists of blockchain, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, with its virtual environment being 3D, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Metaverse.

Additionally, the advertising is personalized according to the behavior of the user, and the data storage is in the form of distributed servers owned by none. In terms of the interactions, these encompass wearables, AR, VR, voice assistants, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices. Lastly, information is stored on distributed ledgers provided by blockchain technology.

Data Growth and the Path to Web 3.0

While it remains undeniable that data volumes surge daily at an exponential rate and creates an interoperable connection for content management per second, the debate concerning Web 3.0 and its connection to the digital world of data is still open.

In 2006, Tim Berners-Lee said,

“People keep asking what Web 3.0 is. Maybe when you’ve got an overlay of scalable vector graphics — everything rippling and folding and looking misty — on Web 2.0 and access to a Semantic Web integrated across a huge data space, you’ll have access to an unbelievable data resource”.

In order to have a grasp of the amount of data generated on the web, consider these metrics by Cisco.com, where IP traffic will have a three-fold growth from 2017 to 2022 at a compound annual growth rate of 27%. In 2020 alone, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data were generated daily, and 40% of that was machine-generated. Going forward, a spike of over 152,200 IoT devices connecting to the internet per minute is expected as well. These go on to show the quantum amount of data that creators can benefit from and ultimately milk out their wealth from as well.

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Web3 Platforms

Being open with the future in mind, anyone can learn about Web3. Although it sounds complex, a few platforms have simplified the learning process. These platforms offer materials to aid prospective readers through the learning stages. Here are some platforms that provide resources to learn about Web3. They include Web3. University, Build space. so, Odysseydao.com, Moralis.io, Learnweb3.io, Useweb3.xyz, Learnweb3.info, and Developerdao.com

Web3 University

Web3 higher institute is an awesome destination to learn about blockchain and Web3. The platform is a blockchain training portal that connects students to the best Web3 resources and guides. It’s billed as the best choice for developers who want to discover ways to design smart contracts, mint NFTs, and construct fully functional end-to-end decentralized applications.

Web3 University struck partnerships with leading crypto and blockchain projects to ensure credibility. This built-to-learn platform covers diverse topics, which include Blockchain, NFT, dApps, Flow, Solidity, etc. Web3 University additionally teaches students the economic and regulatory ramifications of blockchain.

Build space

Build space has a few notable videos for gaining knowledge about Web3. It serves as a bridge for those who are interested in web3 but have little knowledge on how to navigate the space properly. In a bid to make its economy a user-friendly one, the platform is built to enable users to earn from the project while partaking in some activities, mostly on its discord server where rewards are given for completing a course too. After practicing what is learned, users can earn NFTs and access work opportunities in the crypto space with the aid of Build space.


Another great web3 project in this hall of fame is Odyssey. Odyssey offers a deep dive into areas like Blockchain, NFTs, Web3, Defi, and DAO. For those with a particular interest in NFTs, Odyssey teaches easy guides on how to mint, buy, and sell NFTs. Being a fantastic resource for gaining knowledge about Web3 concepts and other web-related topics, the platform teaches everything from the basics until a good grip is gotten.

For example, one of the courses which Odyssey offers is titled “Breaking into Web3.” This particular course provides practical steps and guides to newbies who want to transition from the novice level to building their first Web3 project. The platform also incorporates an “explain like I’m five” concept into its teaching schedule, where the burden of being a newbie gets taken off with ease. Basically, it explains everything in the most basic way, ensuring that learners understand all that is taught adequately.


Moralis gives newbies the perfect environment to learn about Web3. In addition, it provides resources that allow users to head from fundamental to more enhanced performance. Here, learners can construct by making use of single lines of code, leveraging Moralis’ infrastructure. On its website, Moralis proudly describes itself as “the quickest path from concept to mass-scale dApp.” It claims to permit newbies to focus on “high-quality experiences rather than heavy lifting.”

Another good feature is that Moralis offers several learning packages. The earning platform offers its “Starter” course for those who are new to the blockchain space at no cost. Furthermore, its “Pro” package is offered for $49. Learners might discover ways to build a wide range of Defi products and navigate the NFT space.


Just like Moralis and other platforms listed in this section, Learnweb3.io aids its users to have a grasp of blockchain-related terms by providing free education. It also emphasizes learning by practicing. Learnweb3.io has a few notable tutorials that enhance learners’ understanding of the blockchain. Furthermore, it offers 4 classes of tutorials. They include:

  • Freshman
  • Sophomore
  • Junior
  • Senior


UseWeb3 is a high-quality instructional site that offers access to many materials for understanding Web3 and Blockchain. In this space, one can locate a variety of content such as books, lessons, and code challenges. One of the key sources offered to newbies provides exposure to the Ethereum blockchain. Furthermore, useWeb3 explains the position of Web3 in the revolution of the internet. Also, its starter package teaches how to create Ethereum-powered apps with a single command. For every person inquisitive about gaining technical Web3 skills, the useweb3 platform will be worth a glance.


As a different entity from learnweb3.io, this platform gives exposure to the developing market in the blockchain world. It also offers newbies a perception of the fundamental knowledge existing in web3. To fit a square peg in a square hole, leranweb3.info prepares learners to participate in an active market. For blockchain enthusiasts who will like to build their blockchain development skills, this platform offers a good guide.

Developer DAO

With a laser-beam focus on developing a community-driven with learning as a priority, the goals of Developer DAO include the options below:

  • To onboard, educate, and support Web3 Developers
  • To aid in building Web3 tools & public goods.

Beyond these platforms listed here, the web3 space is still burgeoning and many prospects will abound shortly. With adequate research, more web3 platforms can be discovered with more promising opportunities which will yield great value if they are effectively utilized.

How to get ready for the Web 3.0 revolution?

Early-stage uses of the Spatial Web or Web 3.0 is playing out gradually, and this has been completely adopted by individuals and corporation with a foresight into the future, which web3 is promising about. The earliest start time for individuals and corporations or industries to hop in on the web3.0 bandwagon should be now. On the premise that life offers potential risk daily, the danger of not giving a trial on new and emerging technologies as web3 can however, leave anyone in complete regret. On the contrary, the need to do one’s research before venturing into an enterprise or another thing can’t be over-emphasized.

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Lastly, the picture used on the cover photo, aside from the design, is a product of Cointelegraph and the author (Victor Paul) declares this for public awareness.



Victor Paul