Pelotrak 1.5.5

2 min readMar 16, 2022


Previous updates here: 1.5.0, 1.5.3, 1.5.4


  • Support for Lanebreak
  • New “Day by Day” chart
  • Bug fixes


Lanebreak is now supported throughout the app. You can compare your performance on specific Lanebreak games with your friends and track your improvements. Note that since Lanebreak is a separate game, you cannot bookmark Lanebreak games.

If you see any problems with your friends showing up in Lanebreak classes they shouldn’t be in, it might be that the update didn’t correctly update all data. In that case, please do a Full Reload (“About Pelotrak” > “Settings”).

“Day by Day” Chart

A new chart type for those doing intense training and wanting to see their week over week improvements: the “Day by Day“ allows you to see your output, distance, and time for a given week. This feature was specifically requested to help with the training for marathon runners.

It is available in the report sections of “All Workouts”, cycling, running, and strength (time only).

Day by Day graph example

When tapping on a specific day, you can also see the details of that day:

Day by Day graph, details for Friday

Tapping anywhere returns back to the week overview.

