Petr KuthaninVedneměsíčník#zadětiFalešného moralizování, stavění vyučujících proti široké veřejnosti, nepravd, lží a dezinformací — toho všeho jsme se dočkali v posledních…Dec 3, 2023Dec 3, 2023
Petr KuthanUtopia, distopia, and in-betweenFeenberg, A. (2012). Questioning technology. Routledge. Feenberg discusses in the Preface to his book the differences between…Dec 16, 2018Dec 16, 2018
Petr KuthanOn Candy’s “Collaboration: Realizing the Transformative Potential of Technologies”In this chapter the author at first describes a 17th century long distances communication device from the book Prolusiones Academicae by…Nov 15, 20181Nov 15, 20181
Petr KuthanOn Candy’s “Credibility and Confidentiality: The Basis of Trust in the Unseen”Although the technological advances in recent years were considerable, many users are still not completely fond of engaging with…Nov 15, 20181Nov 15, 20181
Petr KuthanOn Candy’s “The Digital Revolution: Are We There Yet?”In the first chapter called The Digital Revolution: Are we there yet? the author examines the information explosion and the knowledge…Nov 15, 20181Nov 15, 20181
Petr KuthanOn Learning analyticsFirstly, I find important to clarify, what exactly learning analytics is.Oct 29, 20182Oct 29, 20182
Petr KuthaninVedneměsíčníkZlomená země: Jemisinová vyhrála proti bílým štěňatům 3:0N. K. Jemisinová napsala fantasy o konci světa a obdržela za ni Hugo Award za nejlepší román. Na tom by nebylo nic divného, kdyby toto…Oct 29, 2018Oct 29, 2018
Petr KuthanOn Social Media: An Integration Guideline for Teaching and Learning in Higher EducationThe article describes the power of social networking in the educational process. With the availability of high-speed internet in…Oct 8, 20184Oct 8, 20184
Petr KuthanOn Utopian and Dystopian Futures for Learning TechnologiesThe article describes the definitions of utopia and dystopia and deals with technological utopianism. It also examines the relationships…Oct 8, 20183Oct 8, 20183
Petr KuthaninVedneměsíčníkPoslední slovo — květen 2018Únorová střelba na floridské střední znovu otevřela debatu v Kongresu Spojených států, zda je na místě zpřísnit tamější zákon o zbraních…Aug 28, 2018Aug 28, 2018