The Power of Sharing

How an medium article changes me

Philip Young
2 min readJun 15, 2014

For these past two weeks, I’ve started to implement learning by doing philosophy to improve myself. Drawing, writing, and taking photos—are 3 subjects that I’m working on. It’s been a busy week, but every progress is worth it. If you are interested, you can access my daily works from @philipyoungg on Instagram and my writings—right here—on my personal website.

Again. The key is consistency. So I do my best to write everyday. It seems my hard works are paid off. Today,—the best blogging platform (seriously, just open it) features my second article, Creativity Could Be Learned. So far, I’ve been submitted 6 article, so the conversion rate is 33.33%. Not bad, right?

As for the feature, you don’t know how much happy I’m right now. Imagine you’re creating something, somebody looks at it, and appreciate it. Your readers contemplate and think about what you write, and the best news: they could be inspired with your experiences. It sounds cliche; but don’t underestimate the power of writing.

Prior reading to that article, I’m a very lazy person. It all changed when a month ago—I discovered Elle Luna’s writing about difference between should and must. If you have time, read it.

That single article, instantly changed the way I think. I started doing what I wanted to do and never been very active and happy. I’ve read dozen of self-help book—hoping I could change my old-self; some of them works, but not all. Maybe her article resonates and related to my life experiences, and that’s why it is so powerful.

Now, writing is one of my media to share and inspire others. Other than that, I’m busy maintaining an local gathering—The Bright Bulb with my friends, to share our experiences. My idea to start this group—is to help others finding their inner “must”, not should.

If you have interesting experiences, Just share them. Never underestimate the power of words. Start sharing. Start writing.



Philip Young

Form follows function. Freelance product & brand designer ⚡️. Also a web developer 💻. Work inquiries: 📩