Martin Luther King Daughter Says Her Mother Is Not A Supporter After Jonathan Majors Calls Meagan Good His ‘coretta’

Pory Tee
2 min readJan 10, 2024


In a compelling recent social media update, Bernice King, the youngest offspring of the esteemed civil rights icons Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, fervently championed her mother’s enduring legacy. The 60-year-old activist spoke out with passion, addressing a particular incident that had sparked controversy. In this incident, actor Jonathan Majors had referred to his girlfriend, Meagan Good, as “a Coretta.”

Bernice King’s response resonated with deep-seated convictions and a commitment to upholding the dignity and respect associated with her mother’s name. She used her platform not only to defend Coretta Scott King’s honorable legacy but also to shed light on the broader implications of such language and the responsibility that public figures hold in shaping perceptions.

By delving into the incident involving Jonathan Majors and Meagan Good, Bernice King demonstrated her dedication to challenging instances of perceived disrespect or insensitivity, particularly when it involves invoking the name of someone as revered as Coretta Scott King. Through her articulate and impassioned response, she sought to foster a greater understanding of the historical and cultural significance attached to the King family’s contributions to the civil rights movement.

This incident provided Bernice King with an opportunity to underscore the importance of thoughtful and considerate language, especially when referencing figures who have played pivotal roles in shaping the trajectory of social justice. Her words not only defended her mother’s legacy but also encouraged a broader conversation about the responsibility each individual has in preserving the dignity of historical figures and the values they stood for.

In essence, Bernice King’s social media post transcended the specific incident at hand, evolving into a powerful reflection on the ongoing struggle for civil rights and the need for respectful discourse in the public sphere. Through her articulate expression and unwavering commitment, she reinforced the enduring relevance of the principles championed by her parents, leaving a lasting impact on the discourse surrounding contemporary issues of race, respect, and social responsibility.

