4 important tips to grow your business as a UX/UI design entrepreneur!

3 min readMar 6, 2019



UX/UI designers venturing out on their own often can design brilliantly but cannot set-up businesses or regular flow of clients due to the lack of a business background. Well, let me tell you, you do not need a business background to be successful in any business. We at Pineapple have got your entrepreneur “bottom” covered, just read the four main tips below which has helped Pineapple a whole lot to be successful entrepreneurs!


I am the most impatient person on this planet. My business was only 1 week old and I would start crying that this was a mistake and that I would never have any clients because I didn’t know business by the books. It took a lot of chocolate and a whole bunch of friends to laugh at my face and tell me to wait it out. They told me to keep trying and that it takes at least one month to start seeing some leads. The week after we had our first big shot client all in one go. They came to us. They found us. All Pineapple had to was keep updating its work and wait it out. Please please please all the growing design entrepreneurs out there, keep some patience, good things happen. Be kind to yourselves and wait it out, okay?

#2 Tip — List yourself to specific freelancer sites

We have been there, done that. I know you are reading this and rolling your eyes, since all blogs that talk about growing your design career talk about this! Do not fret! We aren’t telling to go crazy and sign yourself up everywhere. That is frankly a waste of time and DO NOT pay for any coverage or extra “bids” on any freelance websites. Instead, target the free ones that take a long time to onboard you. Those sweet ones can actually give you leads and sometimes they reveal the client's name too and then you can go chase them with ease yourself. Indiefolio worked very well for us. Go find similar sites like those and keep some patience!

#3 Tip — Gameup on Instagram, Linkedin and Facebook

While you think all your problems will get solved with those freelance sites, you are wrong! You need to pull up your skirts or pants and start pouring all your free time into Instagram, Linkedin and Facebook. Behance and Dribbble are aammaaaazing but if you are on a budget, start looking at these mediums to advertise yourself. Keep your pages fresh and filled with regularly updated content. You will build your audience slowly and then BOOM, clients will start to notice. Use your best posts with the highest likes as ad’s and blast them at minimal costs everywhere. You will recover your money with just one or two leads!

#4 Tip — Share your knowledge with clients and other designers through blogs

Don’t be selfish. Every step of the way gives back to those trying to figure things out. Share what you know and what you can learn and it will not only make your soul feel good but your SEO search will rise tremendously. So log in to Medium and many other awesome blogs out there on the internet and start blogging!

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We design holistic digital experiences that enrich human lives and help businesses grow. Let’s connect at hello@pineapple.design