PlanetQuest: Outposts Early Game Preview is LIVE!

5 min readFeb 29, 2024


The hour is upon us, Explorers!

The 3-day PlanetQuest Early Game Preview is now LIVE! For those of you who are new to Outposts and/or PlanetQuest, PlanetQuest: Outposts is our fun, lightweight planet management game, which provides a meta-layer over other upcoming experiences in the PlanetQuest Universe. You can head on over to and start your journey into the new player experience. Before that, however, we wanted to give you a primer on what you can expect. Read on to get an overview of what this preview will be like, as well as a broader explanation of how Outposts fits into our plans for the future.

Early Game Preview — Everything you need to know

As you might’ve seen in our previous Outposts-related blog post, this preview will focus on the first 3 days of the game. That, in essence, means you’re going to be testing the new player experience and everything that entails, which, of course, means starting from scratch.

To see what the free-to-play experience is truly like (internal testing can only tell us so much!), each player will have a Dwarf Planet at their disposal upon starting their journey. You will be guided through building up this initial planet’s infrastructure, making drones and sending them on missions, dealing with Planetary events, completing faction quests, and more!

An example of a Thunderstorm Planetary Event

As you progress, you will unlock additional planets, new reputation track rewards, and additional research opportunities, which will allow you further flexibility in how you approach the challenges this preview will throw at you.

Speaking of, we’ve done a fair bit of work to improve the experience since the first preview. Actions have given way to Missions — a deeper, more fleshed-out experience that has been given a layer of narrative polish for further immersion. Faction quests are another addition, allowing you to answer the call of your faction and further its goals in the known systems. That is, if you have the time to do so, since our improved Planetary events are going to keep you quite busy, alongside everything else you have to keep track of.

As you can see, a lot of new systems and improvements have been added to this preview. We’ve done our best to make sure everything flows as intuitively as possible, but, of course, game development is a two-way street, especially in our case. Should you have any feedback you’d like to provide us with, don’t hesitate to fill out this form. Remember, as this preview is part of our Greenlight Process, you play a huge role in how further development progresses, and your thoughts on the game are the best way you can make your voice heard!

Now, onto something quite cool. Outposts is shaping up to be more than just a fun way to play with your planets. To explain why and what that entails, we need to go on a bit of a journey.

Your Drones shape your domain

Looking towards the future of our multiverse

If you’ve been following our Greenlight Process (or are a regular in our Discord), you’ll know that development on Outposts is progressing at a steady pace. Provided this preview achieves a green light, we will be well on track to releasing Outposts this year!

In the spirit of that, we wanted to shed more light on how the game has changed, how it fits into our lineup, and what the systems supporting it are.

Outposts is positioned to become the first layer of our universe, making it a solid foundation for other experiences that will build upon it and a key piece of our economic system, which brings us to $PQX.

Outposts is designed from the ground up to support our Token — $PQX. $PQX is deeply tied into the reward economy of Outposts, with players being able to turn in-game resources (Credits and Raw Quantum) into tokens. That’s only the tip of the iceberg. Outposts will bring utility to $PQX, Planets, Insignias, and even Guilds (more on those will be revealed later). Most of those tie into the token in some way, making most actions in the game not only strategic and (we hope) enjoyable but also a part of the larger PlanetQuest economy. Breaking it down further:

  • Planets will become fully active with Outposts, producing daily chunks of Raw Quantum based on how well you do in the game. Those, as mentioned, can be turned into Credits or $PQX once the token launches. This basically means that the base layer of our Planet economy will be up and running the moment Outposts and the Token are.
  • Insignia will have multiple uses within Outposts. Players will be able to claim Insignias as Credits or, should they prefer, $PQX. That way, you will be able to use your Insignia to either get a sizable in-game fund to kickstart your Planet building efforts or to get a Token reward. Those holding the right Insignia might also find themselves getting sweetheart deals on future NFT sales.
  • Guilds and Factions will also play a major role in Outposts, with their actions altering the course of the game in terms of mission availability, ongoing storylines, and more, although, of course, we can’t quite cover that in this 3-day preview.

Outposts launch will also be timed in conjunction with the minting of the final passport rewards, this means our most prolific community members will receive the Planets they have earned as part of the program in time to join the other Planet owners and delve right in upon launch.

Outposts will be a multi-tiered experience, accommodating both entirely new players and high-end Planet owners alike while being fun and lightweight. It’s also planned to be interconnected with the rest of our offerings. Any additional title we release will plug into the Planet economy, thereby further expanding it. That can manifest in multiple ways, such as rewarding players who are playing on your Planet in other titles. There will be multiple incentives like this, designed to reward players for engaging with every corner of our multiverse. In that way, Outposts becomes an overworld game experience for Planet (and Guild) owners, allowing them to reap rewards on multiple fronts.

Legal Disclaimer: It must be stressed that any token-related activities are subject to regulatory requirements, economy balancing, and anything of that nature.

That’s all we have for you, Explorers! The Outposts Early Game Preview awaits. Go forth, make your mark on our multiverse and, as always, stay tuned for any news and updates by following us on our socials.




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