Quantum Paradox Greenlight! Our Upcoming Novel is Ready for the Next Chapter

4 min readDec 14, 2023


Put down those reading glasses for a moment, Explorers, because we have an update for you!

It has been a little over two weeks since we shared our exclusive community preview of the first few chapters of our upcoming novel, Quantum Paradox. Even though it’s not been too long, with the overwhelmingly positive response, we can’t help but already confirm that we have another greenlight! So, before we encourage you to dive back into the story, let’s recap the experience of this preview, your invaluable feedback, and what you can expect from this PQ project moving forward.

The Novel Experience

This preview featured the prologue and first four chapters, with each chapter dedicated to one of the main characters. Specifically, we followed the story of some infamous people already featured in our storyline: Sera Varse, Gloria Morell, Captain Montez, and Touma Kudo. These chapters and the rest of the book were written by our amazing Narrative Lead, Justin Sloan! When we released the preview, we also shared an in-depth Medium article with even more information about the book and some behind-the-scenes insights (we highly suggest you check it out here if you haven’t yet). Justin also took to our Discord in an exclusive Fireside Chats event, where he answered your questions and shared some interesting stories about his work and writing process. Although the event has already passed, you can still check out the recording here.

The preview was featured on our website and we collected your invaluable input through our designated feedback form. In case you were waiting for the Christmas holidays to have a chance to relax and dive into the book, rest assured this will still be a possibility! The chapters will remain online until further notice, giving you plenty of time for a first, second, third, or twentieth read (we have read our favorite books a dozen times; we don’t judge, we pinky promise). We did close the feedback form so we could share the final results with our Narrative Team. But of course, this does not mean you can no longer give feedback. The #novel-preview Discord channel will remain open for you to share your thoughts.

Community Feedback

Now, let’s move on to what you guys are probably most curious about: your feedback.

First of all, we want to say thank you for the incredibly positive response. We are thrilled you enjoyed this iteration of the storyline as much as we did, and we can’t wait to share more. Throughout all the different categories, you guys gave us around 4 stars on average. Which is definitely not too shabby! Specifically, you rated your overall story experience with a 4.1, the characters and their development with a 3.9, the plot and pacing with a 3.8, the writing style with a 3.9, and your interest in continuing the book with a whopping 4.2! Some of you did mention that it was a bit difficult to rate things like character development because this is only the beginning of the story, but even with that in mind, so far, it seems like we’re doing pretty well.

The overwhelming majority of you also voted “yes” when asked if you would recommend this book to a friend. And most importantly, when asked if you would greenlight these chapters, the answer was once again a resounding yes!

The Future of Quantum Paradox

So what comes next?

As you might have already seen in our Master Plan & Greenlight Process, this community preview will be followed by a second edit where all of your comments will be taken into consideration. Based on the feedback, we don’t expect there will be major changes to the plot or writing style in the final version.

After the book has been fully edited, we’ll move on to seeing what languages we can get the book translated into initially. Requests to make the novel available in different languages were actually the most popular comments we received in the feedback form, and naturally, we shall oblige. Our plan has always been to make every aspect of the PQ multiverse as accessible as possible. Especially considering our international community, it only makes sense we give you all the chance to enjoy this story in your native language. After that, we will move on to getting the novel published and starting with the promo before we are, at last, able to release it worldwide!

We will keep you updated on all the milestones when the time comes, and we’ll let you know when you can expect another exclusive preview of our second novel. Because, indeed, Quantum Divide is already in the works (but of course, we can’t preview it yet, given it would contain a fair amount of spoilers for Quantum Paradox)!

And that’s a wrap on this part of our Greenlight Process. Back to your stations, Explorers, but just a heads-up, it might not be long before we summon you for your next greenlight mission…




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