Why People Cancel their Gym Memberships and Quit Training

5 min readMar 28, 2018



So how long before you give up on the gym?

My name is Mattan Hoffman. I am the CEO and Founder of Apex Sport Performance (ASP), a company that specializes in applying scientific knowledge to advance athletic development and sport performance through the designing and implementation of sport-specific training and recovery programs. In this way, ASP bridges the gap between science and sport, maximizing sport performance and injury prevention.

But I didn’t just wake up one day and say, “Hey! I think I’m going to build a company that changes the way athletes train.” First, I worked hard, learning everything I could about sport science and strength & conditioning, and I still do to this day. I hold a master’s degree in Exercise Physiology and am a National Strength and Conditioning Association-Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. My education is what paved the way for me to and serve as Director of Strength and Conditioning at Apex Sport Performance and at Playtness!

Ariel performing a baseline vertical jump test to measure power output on an Israeli football player.

The summer is upon us. By now, I am sure you’ve all made new “fitness plan” and are working hard to achieve your set goals. For some, those goals may be losing five pounds or being able to walk up three flights of stairs without losing your breath. For others, they may include training to run in a charity marathon or rehabilitating an injured limb.

What if I told you that statistically, you won’t reach your goal?

What a buzzkill, I know.

And yet, numbers don’t lie.

While over 32 percent of New Years resolutions revolved around losing weight and another 44.3 percent had to do with self-improvements, an astounding 42.4 percent of resolution makers FAIL at achieving their goals.

On the other hand, people who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than those who do not. If you don’t strive, how can you thrive?

Still, this vicious and seemingly endless cycle of making and breaking resolutions year after year plagues more of us than we’d like to admit. This process of starting a new venture — or adventure, yet never seeing it through is insanely damaging to a person’s self-esteem. It’s basically the equivalent of standing up in the middle of a crowded area and proclaiming to all that your goal is not worth pursuing. And frankly, I’m tired of it. Luckily, so are my Playtness teammates. But more on that soon.

The fact of the matter is that despite major advancements in gym equipment, facilities, and business models, the gym training experience is just not motivating enough to keep trainees working out.Boredom and lack of training experience limits tangible results, leading to 80% of trainees to cancel their gym subscriptions within a few months (according to the International Health, Racquet & Sports Club Association.

But what many gym-goers tend to forget is that it’s called a fitness journey, not a fitness instance. There will be ups and downs, failures and successes, but if trainees persist, they can succeed — providing they have the right kind of guidance and support.

It’s hard to train by yourself. To know what your body needs to drive physical change and see actual results. To keep yourself engaged and entertained while following a self-prescribed workout regimen. To keep motivated even when you’d much rather be doing something else that isn’t quite so challenging.

That’s what personal trainers are for. We get to plan workout regimens that match your physical needs and capabilities — and regularly switch things up so you’re not bored of doing the same old, same old. We’re trained to help you exercise regularly, so you can start seeing tangible results. Results that keep you motivated to keep coming back to the gym.

Playtness and Apex collaboration

It’s another kind of cycle, but significantly less vicious.

When I was first approached by the Playtness team, I was amazed by their unique platform. It unifies lots of interesting and effective features that can help all members of the fitness industry, including the personal trainer (Stay tuned for my next blog about personal trainers’ challenges). The Playtness Alliance Platform responds to exactly those challenges trainees face when hitting the gym alone. It enabeles personal trainers to use technological advances and motivational gaming to help trainees meet their goals.

How, you ask?

The Playtness solutions combine having a personal trainer “breathing down your neck” — planning, monitoring and adjusting personalized workout programs with a motivational avatar game. The avatar, named Stigo, interacts with the trainee from within the fitness equipment screens or via the trainee’s mobile device. Stigo encourages trainees to keep working out and mirrors the trainee while battling other avatars in the virtual fighting area in between real sets, making working out fun and highly addictive.

When you work out, meet fitness goals, or your avatar wins a virtual battle, you win PT tokens, Playtness’ own cryptocurrency based on the Ethereum ERC 20 protocol, which you can exchange for virtual goods for your Stigo OR for real fitness and nutrition products & services for yourself. And since people are more likely to work out when a reward is offered, the incentive to exercise has never been higher.

The Playtness Personal Trainer Management System (PTMS)

As for trainers like me, Playtness is an amazing platform for creating and deploying professional training content. Playtness offers access to highly professional, personalized, and “live” training guidance that is engaging, constantly relevant, and dynamically augments the physical workout across the trainee’s entire fitness journey. This content is generated and curated in a global and decentralized manner by millions of professional trainers, lifestyle consultants, and other contributors. So, I benefit from raising awareness with respect to my training services and you benefit from getting access to top quality content from skilled trainers all over the world!


True, people quit the gym at alarming rates, even if their greatest goal is to get fit. This year, don’t just be another statistic. With an innovation like the Playtness Alliance Platform, you can receive the guidance, motivation and excitement you need to stick to your fitness goals and start seeing real results. And trainers can enjoy providing their more dedicated and persistent trainee-base with better, more intelligent workout programs.

Stay focused, stay determined and embrace the struggle, for a fitness industry revolution is upon us — with Playtness.

Meanwhile, check our websites:






Playtness is tokenizing the world of fitness by creating an ecosystem for its members, powered by smart contracts💪