Jessica Rabbit: Roger’s First Dance

Polarity Prism
4 min readAug 20, 2018


To fully experience this story to as close to as the writer had intended it; read whilst listening to the song from this weeks The Genius Bar prompt.

Read at a slow pace, the story is designed to fit with the music and the time of the song selected.

Listen here: Youtube or Spotify

Please enjoy

“Good evening, welcome to The Ink and Paint Club; now the moment you’ve all been waiting for, here’s Jesssssiiiccca!” said the compare over the tannoy.

The music started, and Jessica’s leg appeared out from behind the stage curtain; she then walked as the curtains raised.

Jessica was wearing a very revealing glistering red dress.

She seductively walked to the centre of the stage and began to sing.

The once noisy room was now silent, as everyone watches her with desire.

Though, it was Roger Rabbit who caught Jessica’s eye within the crowd.

There was an instant attraction between them.

Jessica sang to the entire room, though in truth she was singing to Roger as they maintained eyes at one another.

Roger’s mouth hit the floor, his tongue rolled 3 feet in front of him; he is a toon after all.

Jessica was the most beautiful woman Roger had ever seen.

Then from the right-hand side of the stage Jessica hears “Woohoo, what a dame!” said Daffy Duck.

She slowly danced towards Daffy Duck, who was also sat at a table with Mickey and Minnie Mouse, and Goofy.

“She sure is fine, ah-ha” said Mickey with dreamy-eyes.

Minnie gave Mickey the daggers expression!

His mouth was wide-open, in lust toward the performer.

Minnie then slapped the dumb expression off Mickey’s face, in a fit of jealousy.

Goofy too, also had his mouth wide-open, so open in fact he was unable to close it.

He pulls a giant mallet out his pocket and hit himself in the head with it (hard); knocking Goofy to the floor trying to fix his locked jaw as to his sight of her.

She danced bewitchingly, as she turned; revealing her thigh-high split dress to the crowded room.

The room is going crazy for her!

Then, A weasel called ‘Slimy’ who had been wolf-whistling, panting loudly and swinging from the bar chandelier then fell down; with too much excitement.

Slimy hit the floor and dies.

His ghost then leaves Slimy’s limp body as it lay there, still; arms folded with skulls on his eyeballs.

The dimly-lit and smoke-filled bar was going crazy for Jessica.

Roger, who had not taken his eyes off Jessica, watched her sing; then hears a squeaky voice? “She’s got it all going on. Now that’s a woman!” said Betty Boop, as she walked past with a tray full of cigars.

“Sheeeeee sure does…” Roger replies, in a trance.

Jessica then danced in Roger’s direction

This made Roger very nervous.

She focused on only Roger, using all her powerful femininity.

Jessica then goes down to her knees, and started to crawl towards where Roger is sat.

She sang to him with full eye-contact.

Her perfectly formed bottom; moving in the air and from side-to-side as she crawled the stage.

‘Flasher’ another weasel, gulps at the view of her curves.

He then chokes on his own saliva, falls off his bar stool; he too also died, his ghost too leaves his corps, legs still in the air pointing straight up.

Jessica had crawled directly in front of Roger; still on her knees, she grabs Rogers bow-tie.

Pulls his face toward hers, and sings to him; their lips just inches apart.

Roger sweats profusely, his long white ears turned into a helicopter spin with his nerves, to her pure feminine seduction.

Still face-to-face and music still playing she stops and the music plays out.

Roger gulps a big gulp, then tries to summon his courage.

He then asks “Miss. Jessica, would you like to go out for dinner? I think you are the most b-b-beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on” he said with a big loving smile; his ears showing a caring expression of droop.

Jessica looks him dead in the eyes and replies “Every toon in here asks me the same question most nights, they like the way I’m drawn” She said strongly.

“P-P-P-Pleeeese.” Pleaded Roger.

“Ok, my little ‘Honey Bunny’ let me finish this number and I’ll get my coat.” Replied Jessica, harbouring an excitement to her tone even her strength couldn’t hide.

Jessica then pulls Roger’s bow-tie even closer, so their lips are almost touching; then she let’s go. Roger rocks backward on his chair, then forwards, backward and forwards again.

Roger was in love!

Jessica walks backwards to finish her song and leaves the stage; holding eye contact with Roger.

The curtains are then drawn; closing the performance.

From the centre of the drawn curtains Porky Pig pops out!

He smiles, waves and closes the show saying “Th-Th-The, Th-Th-The, Th-Th… That’s all, folks!!”

I hope you enjoyed reading this piece as much as I enjoyed creating it.

Written by Polarity Prism x x x

Note: This piece my Copyright does not cover any names or characters use in this fan fiction piece. My Copyright only applies to the plot of this story.



Polarity Prism

I am without age and sex. I am from nowhere and exist only here. I am without political agenda and without race. I am faithless and therefore "I am faceless"