Portals Genesis Citizen Card

Genesis Citizen Cards & The Portals PFP Project

4 min readMay 31, 2022


In this article, we’ve collected all the available and newest information about Portals Genesis Citizen Cards and the upcoming Portals PFP Project.

Are you familiar with Portals Citizen Cards?
First, if you aren’t familiar with Portals Citizen Cards, then read this article: https://medium.com/@portals_/introducing-citizen-cards-pods-f97e79dc30ac

Genesis Citizen Cards summarized:
- OG Collection
- Limited supply of 10000
- Access to a unique Pod in the Portals Metaverse
- Access to the Portals Community/Ecosystem
- Might have other benefits

What could “might have other benefits” mean?
Glad you asked! The first example is that the Genesis Citizen Cards will be the only way to get the upcoming Portals PFP Project. You will be able to trade a Genesis Card NFT for a PFP Project NFT. The PFP Project will also have all the same benefits as the Genesis Card (Genesis Pod, more future Pod utility etc.)

Will there be other future benefits? Yes

The Portals PFP Project

A PFP (something to represent Portals and strengthen the community) has been a big wish and conversation in the Portals Community since the early days. We didn’t want to launch a PFP project and then not have a thoughtful plan for how to service/develop it long-term. Early on it would also have taken resources and focus away from developing the Portals Metaverse.

Now we’re ready and feel the timing is good. The Portals PFP Project will be able to draw on expertise from the entire Portals team but will also have its own dedicated resources.

Here’s what we want you to know today (the day of the Genesis Citizen Card airdrop):

Early announcement
We believe in transparency and providing information to our holders and community as early as possible. For this reason, we announced that we’re doing a PFP Project already a month ago, and are releasing this article today. There’s still some work to do, but we felt it’s best to let everyone know before the airdrop of the Genesis Citizen Cards versus after to avoid holders coming back to us in a month saying “I wish I had known about this earlier!”

We know early announcements also sometimes create longer waiting times, but it allows for two important things 1) people can make the best possible decisions and planning, and 2) we get to collaborate and discuss with the Portals community before everything is set in stone.

Identity & Branding
It will be closely tied to Portals, but the PFP Project will have its own identity (including its own name), website, communication channels, and more. It will however be a shared Discord with Portals (similar to how PROOF Collective and PROOF Moonbirds are sharing one Discord).

Includes 1–1’s, rare traits, & special traits
This means holding a Genesis Citizen Card gives you a chance of getting a Portals PFP NFT that is a “1 of 1”, has “rare traits”, or maybe it has one of the “special traits” that will receive an airdrop, be redeemable for a package in the Portals Metaverse or something special at upcoming IRL events.

Long-term vision
Why should this PFP project exist?”
“Why will this project be relevant in 3, 12, or 24 months?”

We have spent a lot of time on these questions since we didn’t want to launch just another project or collection. We want to create something relevant and something that contributes to the entire Metaverse, NFTs, and Web3 space.

It ended up being a perfect match to the Genesis Citizen Card collection, which is why these two will end up being combined into one, but with more dedicated resources than originally planned for the Genesis Citizen Cards.

PROOF as an inspiration
Too often credit is not given in this space, and we were inspired by PROOF Collective thoughts and reasoning behind their PROOF PFP Project (Moonbirds) about 3 months ago. We’re happy to give credit. You can listen to their reasoning here: https://youtu.be/ExS7ACfr9UU?t=1431

We’ll present our own full reasoning behind the PFP Project in June, and how it ties into what we originally envisioned for the Genesis Card collection.

The art isn’t ready for reveal yet, but even when (soon), then we might have to wait a bit longer since there’s a lot of copying in the space, especially at the moment. But we’ll find a way to do sneak peeks. Of course!

The Art will get a lot of exposure and we’re going to use it as a PFP ourselves, so let’s just say we care a lot about the art! :-)

More information
Follow the following channels for more information about the PFP Project:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/_portals_
- Discord http://discord.gg/portals

Let us know in the Portals Discord if you have any questions.


Q: I’m new to NFTs. What does PFP stand for?
A: PFP stands for “Profile Picture”. Here’s a good introduction from CoinDesk: https://www.coindesk.com/learn/what-are-pfp-nfts/

Q: To get a PFP we would burn the Genesis Card, or how would it work?
A: Yes. The PFP NFT will replace the Genesis Card

Q: Is there a timeline or launch date yet?
A: No date yet. We need to get a bit further. The website is launching in June. See the “Early Announcement” section earlier in the article for context.

How do I get a Genesis Citizen Card?

All Genesis Citizen Cards have been airdropped to Portals Ivory, Onyx, and Vision holders. The way to get one is on secondary marketplaces:

MagicEden: https://magiceden.io/marketplace/portals_citizen_cards

OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/portals-genesis-citizen

Solanart: https://solanart.io/collections/portalscitizencards?tab=items

- The Portals Team

