7 Flames to Kyiv

Sieben Krüsel
5 min readMay 6, 2022


Being guided by AA Michael to bring St.Michael’s Tower Vibrations and an oil lamp with 7 flames to his Golden Domed Monestary in Kyiv.

In December 2004 I had my awakening call by AA Michael, he asked me to sacrifice the life I lived as a percussionist on Ibiza, and so I did, details of this part of the story can be found here…:


He instilled the sign of 7K in my soul, and it stands for an oil lamp with 7 flames, all it took was to add the letter e to my birth name to transform it to this. Little did I know back then about the significance of such a lamp, but I was ready to fully trust in my angelic guides. They took me to settle down in Avalon where I lived a happy life as a carpenter for the next decade and a half….

During lockdown Michael guided me to channel the heart chakra of the world inside his Tower up on Glastonbury Tor, this makes the Tower Vibrate, sending the energy received from above straight into the leylines upon which it sits, this is how I was told to do my planetary healing….

I guess this was the beginning of my mission to bring the 7 flames to Kyiv together with St.Michaels Tower Vibrations, a new way to anchor the light into the leylines of our Mother Earth. But first I had to ground the energies of this world healing project into Avalon’s sacred soil, and I would do whatever it takes…..

December 2020 I had to put up the “church of Babylon is fallen” right in front of his Tower….:

It stayed up for 12 days, obviously meant to be there at this point in time….

From the 14th of November 2021 I was instructed to create a musical drone with the reverberations of his Tower to use in churches as part of ceremonies to bring the light into the planetary grid, the concept of St.Michael’s Tower Vibrations was born…..

After 7 St.Michael’s Tower Vibration we had to anchor the energies up on Wearyall Hill Glastonbury on the 5th and 6th of January 2022.

From the beginning of March this year we connected to Michael’s Golden Domed Monastery in Kyiv, angel sightings and a cross in the sky right next to it were some of the confirmations we received for being on the right path.

Before we held our thirteenth St.MTV in the Abbey House, overlooking the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey, I was told by Michael to let go of my life as a carpenter to fully focus on my mission :

To bring St.MTV together with the 7 flamed oil lamp Michael had instilled in my soul 17 years ago to Kyiv !!!

as one picture speaks a thousand words, this story continues from here with photographs and captions…:

the day I met my fate in the Abbey house
17 years guidance by AA Michael leading me to hold my fate in my hands, 2 oil lamps with 7 flames, one to go to Kyiv while the other stays in Glastonbury, joining the 4 eternal flames of Glastonbury.
the shrine set up together with the two lamps…
After the ceremony I was lead into the crypt of the Abbey House, anchoring the mission directly inside the leyline, irrefutable evidence that God is with us on this path…..

7 days later we lit the flames for Kyiv with the Glastonbury Unity Candle in St.Benedict’s Church Glastonbury

7 days later, on the 1st of May, the 7 flames for Kyiv were lit at the bottom of the High Street by the Hiroshima Flame, the Glastonbury Unity Flame, the Brigid Flame and the peace candle. I had the honours to carry those merged flames together with the dragon drummers as part of the Beltane procession to Bushy Combe where the Maypole was erected, keeping the flames lit to end the celebrations of this day at the White Spring where we lit the fire to burn the Maypole from 2019.

The final step of my 17 year long dedication to the Higher cause guided by Michael is to bring the 7 flames to his monastery in Kyiv on the 8th of May. I was told to ask for help to make this mission work, and so far, as I’m writing this on the 6th of May, we raised the funds to buy the plane tickets to Poland and a one way ticket by train to Kyiv.

We were told to trust that all will be provided, so here we embark on the biggest adventure of our lives, we still need funding for accomodation and the train back, and here is the link to help us financially if you can…:


Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, please share it with people who believe that AA Michael will bring the change.

wondrous times ahead

Sieben Krüsel


