rapid wrinkle cream

Potentlift Reviews
6 min readMar 2, 2019


6 Things You Need To Know About the Skin and Wrinkles

The skin, in general, is one of the most important organs in the body. It weighs about six pounds, and protect us from heat, injury, infection and lots more. These are just a fraction of the reason why we tend to protect our skin from any harsh conditions. However, there’s a massive threat to the skin, or to be more precise, the face skin.

The threat is “wrinkles.” A lot of different factors can cause wrinkles. Below, we will see six things you do need to know about the skin and wrinkles.

Wrinkle Are of Two Types?

Simply put, face wrinkles are the lines or creases that form on the face. Dynamic wrinkles temporarily appear when you smile, laugh or make a similar expression. Static wrinkles are a permanent feature of the face — either you use a facial expression or not.

A simple way to get the juice of this idea is to take a mirror. Relax your face and look into the mirror. Did you see any ridges, lines or creases? If yes, those are permanent wrinkles.

Now, this time around, put your muscle into work by making any facial expression like frowning or smiling. You will notice prominent lines and creases, especially between the eyebrows. Those are called dynamic wrinkles they disappear as soon as you relax your face.

Aging is Inevitable

Aging is the primary factor of facial wrinkle. There are protein-rich tissues called collagen and elastin in the skin cell. They are responsible for the strength and elasticity of the skin. As we age, there is a drop in the level of these essential supporting tissues, in turn, the skin starts to sag and wrinkled.

Thanks to the help of instant anti aging products like rapid wrinkle cream and serum that can be used to reduce the speed.

Avoid Sunlight

Sunlight itself is good for us from a survival standpoint. We need the energy from the sun to keep us warm, and it activates some body processes. On the other hand, there is dangerous radiation called ultraviolet rays coming from the sun.

The type of ultraviolet radiation that is more concerned with wrinkle formation is the UV-A. It penetrates deeper into the middle layer of the skin (dermis) and damages the collagen tissue. This situation makes the skin to sag, loses suppleness and wrinkles start to form.

potentlift review

Genetic Blueprint Varies?

Your gene may speak about the wrinkles on your face. In some cases, the wrinkles are caused by the genetic blueprint of your family. Think about your family. You may have inherited a fair complexion or tendency to frown. You might have even been reminded about how you look like an older relative. If the pattern of aging or wrinkles in that relative’s face reflect what you are beginning to see, then that’s your genetic blueprint.


Cigarette contains lots of “harmful-to-skin” chemicals which include nicotine. Nicotine narrows the vessel carrying blood and other healthy nutrients to the skin which, in turn, dries the skin and lead to wrinkles.

Other chemicals also damage the elastin and collagen in the skin cell which makes them lose their elastic capability and more susceptible to wrinkling.

Facelift Serum Do Work

A recent advance in facelift procedures has provided us with a lot of skin rejuvenation treatments that are effective, “pain-free” and non-invasive like surgery. One of the instant facelift treatments is the application of instant anti wrinkle cream or facelift serum.

Rapid wrinkle serum is more potent than wrinkle cream because serums are formulated with tiny molecules of natural ingredients, and this aids their penetration into the internal layers of the skin — to firm and lift the appearance of the affected area.

Most products do not work because they are made using a bunch of synthetic chemicals that don’t provide real nutrient to the skin. Prolonged use of such products can even develop new skin problems.

6 Things You Need to Know About Wrinkles

Having a fresh and youthful face is what we all crave for. Every day, however, this desire starts to slip us by. What you put into the plate can speak volume of what your face would look like in a few years from now. Also, other factors can increase the risk of premature wrinkles.

We will discuss some of them and talk about how rapid anti aging products work against wrinkles.

Why do Wrinkle Forms?

There’s no a straight answer to that question because many factors play a role in wrinkle formation.

Usually, wrinkle formation is a sign of aging — the synthesis of the two proteins — elastin and collagen — which provide strength and elastic support decline. When there is a significant drop in the level of these two proteins in the body, the skin starts to sag and lose elastic support.

Furthermore, skin damage due to sun exposure, smoking, dehydration, environmental and genetic variation are other factors that cause wrinkles formation.

Sunlight is bad

Yes, the sun emits ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet rays are of three types named UV-A, B and C. UV-C rays are filtered away by the ozone layer, so they are not as damaging as others. UV-B is more concerned with sunburn and cancer. The one connected to wrinkle is UV-A which also causes photoaging. Because of its high penetrating power, it reaches the dermis and weakens the synthesis of collagen.

Always apply and reapply sunscreen — as necessary — while you are at the beach or out there.

For an additional layer of protection, use sunglass that has at least SPF of 95%. Sunglass gives you an extra layer of protection against damage to the eye and skin around it.


The nicotine present in cigarette wreak havoc on your skin blood vessel. Also, the carbon monoxide displaces the oxygen in your skin. Altogether, these processes deplete many nutrients like Vitamin C which help protect and help the skin from damage.

Alcohol Dehydrates

The moisture content in the skin makes it plump and supple. Every time you drink, alcohol dehydrates the body and skin. The lesser the moisture, the drier the skin and the faster aging and wrinkles set in.

It is recommended to limit your daily intake to a reasonable limit. You may consider taking an alcoholic drink once in a while, not a daily routine.

Unhealthy Diet Kills

Poor diet especially sugar-rich food will affect you. Sugar releases a compound called Advanced Glycation End Product (AGEs). This compound destroys the production of collagen and elastin — the proteins that provide strength and elastic support to the body.

Avoid too much of sugar in your diet. Also, read nutrition label for hidden sugar content because manufacturers are very sneaky nowadays by bloating their products with excessive sugar.

Anti Aging Supplements Do Work

A recent advance in technological research has uncovered many non-surgical facelift procedures. Some of the product of the studies and researches are lotions, moisturizer, instant skin tightening cream and rapid wrinkle serum.

Instant face lifting serum is more effective than wrinkle cream and other non-surgical facelift treatment for a reason. Serum contains active and natural ingredient, in the form of tiny molecules, and this makes the ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin cell.

Some of the serums out there are not as effective as they are advertised because they contain little or no natural ingredients. Long term of such brand can even develop new skin problems. If you find the perfect brand, your skin will love it, thank you for it, and you’ll keep looking awesome.

However, for safe, well formulated and effective rapid facelift serum, visit potentlift reviews

