Basics of Natural Language Processing (NLP) — Introduction

Prasan N H
3 min readMay 13, 2024


In today’s digital age, the interaction between humans and machines has reached unprecedented levels of sophistication. Natural Language Processing (NLP), a fascinating interdisciplinary field at the crossroads of computer science and linguistics, stands as a testament to this evolution. But what exactly is NLP, and how does it impact our daily lives?

Understanding Natural Language

At its core, a natural language is any language that evolves naturally within a human community, devoid of conscious planning. This encompasses spoken languages, like English or Mandarin, as well as sign languages. Unlike constructed languages designed for specific purposes, natural languages thrive on the nuances of everyday communication, shaped by continual use, repetition, and adaptation.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) empowers computers to interact with humans in a language that feels, well, natural. Its ultimate goal? To enable machines to analyze, interpret, comprehend, generate, and respond to human languages — be it text or voice data — with a deep understanding of both content and context.

artificial intelligence vs machine learning vs deep learning
NLP leverages the power of deep learning

The applications of NLP span a vast array of domains, revolutionizing how we engage with technology on a daily basis. From customer service chatbots and virtual assistants to fraud email detection and sentiment analysis, NLP is the backbone of numerous modern innovations. Whether it’s translating languages, recognizing speech, answering questions, or summarizing text, the possibilities are endless.

NLP Workflow Pipeline
Natural Language Processing Workflow Pipeline

NLP Workflow

The journey through NLP involves traversing a carefully crafted workflow pipeline, tailored to extract insights from natural language datasets. This pipeline embraces various paradigms, including Symbolic NLP, Statistical NLP, and Neural NLP, each with its unique approach to understanding language.

  • Symbolic NLP: Relies on logic-based coding, often dictated by grammar rules.
  • Statistical NLP: Leverages annotated textual corpora and intricate feature engineering.
  • Neural NLP: Harnesses the power of deep learning and word embeddings to decipher semantics with remarkable precision.

Supervised Machine Learning in NLP

A cornerstone of NLP lies in supervised machine learning, where labeled text data serves as the backbone for model training. This process unfolds in two key steps:

  1. Feature Extraction: Transforming text into numeric representations (feature vectors) to feed into the model.
  2. Model Training: Mapping these features to labels through the magic of machine learning algorithms.
supervised machine learning in NLP
Supervised ML-based NLP step 1: Use the text labeled by humans and extract numeric representation in the form of feature vectors which will be used as inputs to fit a model. The model will learn to map the features to the labels provided in the examples.
supervised ML in natural language processing
Supervised ML-based NLP step 2: Use any unlabeled text and extract numeric representation in the form of feature vectors which are used to predict the labels by a trained model.

Embracing the Future of NLP

As NLP continues to evolve, fueled by advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence, its potential knows no bounds. From enhancing human-computer interaction to unlocking insights buried within vast repositories of textual data, the journey of NLP is one of boundless discovery and innovation.

In conclusion, Natural Language Processing isn’t just about teaching computers to understand human language; it’s about bridging the gap between man and machine, ushering in a future where seamless communication transcends barriers. So, the next time you ask your virtual assistant for the weather forecast or engage in a conversation with a chatbot, remember the intricate dance of algorithms and linguistics that make it all possible. Welcome to the world of NLP, where the language of tomorrow meets the technology of today.



Prasan N H

Currently pursuing MS in Information Science from University of Arizona (2023-2025)