HDFS Commands

Prathamesh Nimkar
4 min readApr 4, 2020


  • You’ve successfully installed Cloudera Manager
  • You know how to startup/shutdown your environment, if not please take a look at how to do so here
  • The project’s idea is to learn how to use our pipeline here. For more details, do visit the project’s page here.

You want the GUI-way? :( sigh. Do the initial prep and then scroll to the end of post. Please note most functionality would be unavailable in the GUI way

Initial prep

Enter into <instance-1> now through the ssh option on your Google VM. Note, you can download the data into any instance really.

# Login into instance-1 using root
sudo su -
# Good time to check the amount of space allocated and available in your VM
df -h

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs 5.8G 0 5.8G 0% /dev
tmpfs 5.8G 0 5.8G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5.8G 8.5M 5.8G 1% /run
tmpfs 5.8G 0 5.8G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1 100G 13G 88G 13% /
cm_processes 5.8G 1.9M 5.8G 1% /run/cloudera-scm-agent/process
tmpfs 1.2G 0 1.2G 0% /run/user/1000

If you’ve diligently followed my installation post, you’d land up with the same. While not required, I would suggest to ensure you have upwards of 50 GB configured on each VM.

Lets begin. Details on the data set are in the footer of this post.

# Create a folder
mkdir /root/flightdatasets
# cd to download the dataset in this newly created folder
cd flightdatasets/
wget https://history.adsbexchange.com/downloads/samples/2020-01-01.zip
# Check the download
ls -lrth
# Unzip the dataset here itself — bunch of json files
unzip 2020–01–01.zip # Or alternatively extract just 10–20 files

Now that we have the files, lets push one of them into HDFS. Ensure you have brought up the Cloudera Manager environment.

# View the first 5 files
ls -U | head -5

By default HDFS has no folders created. Lets create a folder:

hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/projects/flightDatasets

You’ll receive an error saying ‘Permission denied: user=root, access=WRITE, inode=”/user”:hdfs:supergroup’. This is because unlike unix, the superuser in HDFS is not root.

# Lets create a home directory for root under HDFS
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -mkdir /user/root
# Lets assign the ownership to root
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chown root /user/root
# Now lets create the folder again
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/root/projects/flightDatasets
# Quick test
hdfs dfs -ls /user/root/projects

Getting the data into HDFS

  • copyFromLocal
# Copying one of the files from local to HDFS
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal 2020–01–01–0000Z.json /user/root/projects/flightDatasets/

so the data is in now

# File System Check for some interesting details
hdfs fsck /user/root/projects/flightDatasets/ -files -blocks -replicaDetails
  • put

Another option is to use put, which pretty much does the same thing as copyFromLocal. Notice the change in file name

hdfs dfs -put 2020–01–01–0001Z.json /user/root/projects/flightDatasets/
  • moveFromLocal

The above 2 options was to copy/paste the data, but what if we want to move the data into HDFS?

hdfs dfs -moveFromLocal 2020–01–01–0003Z.json /user/root/projects/flightDatasets/

In and around HDFS

If you’re from a unix background, you probably already know these

  • du vs df

Disk Usage information for a folder vs entire system

hdfs dfs -du /user/root/projects/flightDatasets
hdfs dfs -df
  • cp, ls, rm, mv

Copying vs Moving data between HDFS locations

# First lets create a new folder
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/root/projects/test
# Copying all files from flightDatasets to test
hdfs dfs -cp /user/root/projects/flightDatasets/* /user/root/projects/test/
# Quick test
hdfs dfs -ls /user/root/projects/test/
# Removing files from flightDatasets
# The “*” in the end ensures all files are removed
# The “-R” is not required in this case as it is required only for adding the recursive option
hdfs dfs -rm -R /user/root/projects/flightDatasets/*
# Moving the deleted files back from test to flightDatasets folder
hdfs dfs -mv /user/root/projects/test/* /user/root/projects/flightDatasets/
# Quick test
hdfs dfs -ls /user/root/projects/flightDatasets
hdfs dfs -ls /user/root/projects/test

Back to Local

  • copyToLocal, get
# New folder on my local
mkdir /root/test
# copyToLocal
hdfs dfs -copyToLocal /user/root/projects/flightDatasets/* /root/test/
# remove files and recopy using get
rm *.json
hdfs dfs -get /user/root/projects/flightDatasets/* /root/test/

On a related note, moveToLocal has not been implemented yet for hdfs

For more commands, perhaps you’d like to visit this.

The GUI Way

Visit this page here

The Dataset

The Homepage — https://www.adsbexchange.com/

The data — https://history.adsbexchange.com/downloads/samples/

While you can go ahead and download any zipped file, I have chosen to go with the last one, i.e. unzip 2020–01–01.zip. (Latest Data + Latest fields)

More details on the fields can be found here. Explanation with some data? Here you go.

These datasets are free of cost, without any need for registration/password, but please be sure to give the appropriate credit.

If you are using free-credits provided by your choice of cloud-vendor, please do ensure you shut down your applications & VMs in order to save credits. More details here

