Teenaged Girls: Freedom or boundaries?

Preetii Sinha
3 min readFeb 1, 2023

Bringing an important subject to discuss- about Freedom or boundaries reference to teenaged Girls. While highlighting the subject, I know every individual has difference of opinions. Let me initiate with “What does freedom for teenaged girl mean to us in todays world?” Is it giving permission for sleep over at friend’s house; sending her to trip with male friends; watching movies late nights; enjoying parties with friends etc. According to me all seems to be abnormal to me but might be normal for todays teenaged girls.

The other day, I was reading newspaper, after reading a news article my whole body started shaking, started thinking about that girl who was brutally murdered in a party at her friend’s house. This is not the rare news, such incidents are happening on frequent basis. This is the reason, I have a strong opinion to believe that there should be limitation on freedom given to teenage girls. I know this will face rejections as Freedom is considered to be a RIGHT for any citizen and hence applies for a teenaged girls.

Last month she was crying to go for four days trip and I did not send her. She didn’t like my decision, started calling me over protective- so what if I am over protective for my daughter. Is this wrong to safeguard her? She herself after some days she informed me after her her friends returned from the trip, that they all are sad and bit depressed. Finally, she realized herself that it was good she didn’t go to the trip. Her friend’s shared the experience with her, and mentioned that trip was very bad and boys were found taking liquor and bullied one of her friends, due to which she cried during the entire trip. Now days due to changing environment even school and teachers are also helpless & can’t ensure discipline. The moment she shared with me I got relaxed, and felt happy for my decision. As a mother, am I wrong having concern about the wellbeing of my daughter- as you its not possible or even not good to policing my daughter. So I think its better to have a consensus on setting boundaries with proper buy in of any teenaged girl. This will definitely safeguard any untoward incident, in the environment of win win situation for both parents & teenaged girls.

In the name of freedom teenaged are found distracted and feeling bit sad, so its better we keep our child safe even though we face momentary disappointments, rejections but sooner they realize it is good for them.

Its totally my opinion based on my experience, you may disagree or agree, but my point is let’s discuss such topics for the betterment of our new generation.

Do check out :

My book for amazing story line story of “ Half Girl And Half Woman”

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  2. https://medium.com/@preetiiudp/why-the-girl-always-the-one-who-is-interrogated-girl-questioned-675b0567f327



Preetii Sinha

Assistant professor of obstetric & gynecology Nsg, Write on girls voice are unheard in the society. Author of "Half girl and Half woman" https://geni.us/jJcZwm