21 signs that you’ve UX’d parenting

Charlotte Priestley
3 min readMay 6, 2019


“Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up.” Pablo Picasso

You know you’ve UX’ed parenting when…

  1. You’ve already taught your child to wireframe

2. You have a picture of your child’s wireframes on your desktop wallpaper

3. You’ve UX’D THE SHIZ OUT OF your process as a parent…End to End!

4. You’ve devised different user flows for the optimum bedtime routine

5. You have user tested all meals to successfully include hidden variables i.e vegetables!

6. You’ve A/B tested The Wiggles on ABC vs Netflix

7. You have researched and tested the most efficient route for child drop off

8. Researching, researching, researching! #alltheparenthoodthings

9. Implementing tried and tested sleep strategies, because, well? The research is there!

10. Your user testing base now has a heavy influence of parents same age, same job, not at all biased!

11. You have interviewed other parents on their similar experiences e.g How much sleep do you get and why?

12. When they ask - “Are we there yet?” You say “Only one more sprint”

13. You try and teach them the colours of the Jira KanBan board

14. You’ve designed their whole daytime routine in Sketch — symbols and libraries included

15. You have prototyped a gazillion ‘how to make parenting easier’ apps

16. When they need a time out, you make it a stand up

17. You talk to your child as a stakeholder, and partake in heavy negotiation

18. When they are having a tantrum in public, you smile and just say we will fix it in the next round of testing

19. You know once they like something this will inevitably change so try to introduce new user flows

20. You are off to parent’s group and have already researched if they have child changing facilities and Babyccinos!

21. You have completed an experience design review where as a parent you have taken in data, insights, and business metrics and assessed the quality child user experience of Peppa Pig and made recommendations based on evidence to make improvements and tweeted this to @ABCaustralia #abckids

