Disclaimer: This article is not financial advice and is solely based on personal experiences. It is for entertainment purposes only.

Today, we’ll explore where you can acquire the items to open crates. If you haven’t read my previous articles yet, start here.

As discussed in the last article, the goal is to accumulate as many tokens and Mint Passes for the airdrop as possible. These treasures come from crates, and crates require items. You earn items through quests, but quests require tokens.

However, if you’re lacking items or not receiving the right ones from quests, don’t despair. You have two options to acquire these items:

ITEMS — Page of Robots.Farm
  1. ) Internal Marketplace: Access it through the Items section, where you’ll find two buttons at the top — “Buy” and “Sell.” You can purchase and sell items on the internal marketplace using “Points” as the currency. You can learn how to earn points here. You may have noticed varying prices for buying and selling items; this is because prices adjust automatically based on the number of purchases and sales. The internal marketplace has a significant advantage — it doesn’t charge transaction fees. You simply sign without any cost, and your items are bought or sold — it’s that simple.

2.) External Marketplaces: An external marketplace operates on the zkChain. Robots.Farm is listed on two marketplaces:

  • Element Market: Element Market is a vibrant ecosystem within the zkSync network. Here, you can explore various items and NFTs related to Robots.Farm. To sell an item on Element Market, click on the item you want to sell and then on the “Bridge Item to Trade” button. This process works for all items, including crates and passes. Once the items are “bridged,” you can offer them on Element Market.
  • Kreatorland: Kreatorland is another zkSync-based marketplace where you can find items and NFTs from Robots.Farm. To sell items on Kreatorland, follow the same procedure as with Element Market. Add items to your cart and complete the purchase.

Attention !!!

Keep an eye on the gas costs during bridging; they can be a few cents up to several $$$, so take care! I’ll discuss how to optimize this in a future article.

Now, that you have bought items, you’ll see “in game” how many items you have. Simply check the “Items” page. If you want to open a crate, and the necessary items are still bridged on the chain, you can bring them back into the game. Just open the crate, and a “Activate-On-Chain-Items” dialog will appear. This action retrieves the items back into the game. However, be cautious of the gas costs here; neglecting them can be costly.

Opening Crate with Items sitting “on Chain” will be activated

Now, we know how to buy and sell items, bridge them to and from the chain — it might sound more complicated than it is. Try it a couple of times, and it’ll become second nature.

Where should you buy what?

Which market is the most cost-effective? The answer is simple — Common and Rare items are best purchased on the In-game Market. These items cost a fraction of a point. The Epic and Legendary items are more affordable on the external market, even though gas costs apply.

And if you have spare items, the market places are y

Take a look, experiment with it, and find the most strategic approach for yourself. I’ll share my methods and strategy in the “Strategy Guide” — so, don’t miss any articles, and let’s maximize our airdrop together!

As a pro-tip, consider joining my guild to enjoy additional discounts and points. See you in Robots.Farm!

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Let’s dive together into the world of crypto airdrops and seize the opportunities that await us!

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