GSoC ‘18: In 60 seconds

Prssanna Desai
1 min readAug 13, 2018


My time with GSoC turned out to be a great learning opportunity for me. I’d like to thank my awesome mentor Jonas Kress for his guidance and support, as well as Lucas Werkmeister and Stanislav Malyshev for their valuable inputs over the last three months.

Proposal: Improve Explorer Dialog and Graph Explorer for

During my time working for Wikimedia foundation, I worked on four main tasks:

  1. Resizable & Draggable Explorer Dialogs: T19462

2. Multiple Explorer Dialogs: T194822

3. Allow showing incoming links on the Graph Explorer dialog: T197778

4. Toolbars for result views: T151057

Apart from completing the major objectives of my GSoC proposal, I also made some other fixes. All my GSoC-related commits can be viewed here:

