MATRIX AI Team Overview Part Two: Bill Li

3 min readSep 10, 2018


Once again we are here and introducing the Matrix AI Network leading team members, who are in our opinion, the driving force of the Matrix project. As we mentioned earlier before, having knowledge about people behind the project is a valuable and important information which significantly can contribute towards assessing any project future success. Especially, when looking at a new investing opportunity, the main focus should be the team and their potential to deliver a functioning product. In this part we will introduce you with one of the Matrix leading team members, Chief Network Architect Bill Li.

You can read our previous article on Steve Deng here.

MATRIX AI Network Chief Network Architect Bill Li

Bill Li

Prof. Bill Li is a top-level chip design expert and communications expert in China. As a main member of China’s chief engineering team, he was a major contributor of many 4G, 4,5G and 5G standards of China. It was amazing to find out that he even designed the first China’s WiFi transceiver chip. Bill Li also was one of the leading team members who worked on the communication system of China’s first aircraft carrier — Liaoning Dispatching command system. In addition, he worked on a various commercial chips for mass production and won numerous provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological awards. Bill Li is the author of book called “Communication IC Design” which won the first place in Jingdong’s sales list, as the textbook for the postgraduate chip design course of the first-class universities like Beijing. Currently this textbook is used by many other prestigious universities. Before joining the Matrix project, he was responsible for the design of Hong Kong Shangya exchange network technology architecture, data structure design and digital asset trading platform. He was carrying out data analysis on the operation of existing products to optimize various functions. Bill Li effectively contributed to the exchange with significantly increasing user experience and enhancing user’s affinity and ease of use.

Professor Bill Li is now one of the core members in Matrix AI Network and he leads the team working on the architecture of the blockchain network in combination with artificial intelligence. He is responsible for the overall design of the blockchain architecture and artificial intelligence, and is committed to creating an underlying system that enables intelligent collaboration and open source on the blockchain. The ability to build and publish next generation distributed applications will make it easy for everyone to use blockchain technology. Bill Li believes that “Blockchain technology, as an epoch making invention, has extremely strong potential to change the future human lifestyle. Blockchain will be a breakthrough technology at any time therefore it is necessary to pay attention to the whole technology, advance and meet new challenges at any time. With the blockchain, we can build the foundation of trust in the future society and develop a rich variety of low cost and trustworthy trading system”. Prof. Li also states that in the new era, blockchain will reshape the Internet operating model and will subvert the traditional business model and change the digital asset industry.

According to Bill Li, the goal of MATRIX is to form a complete blockchain ecosystem, which not only facilitates application personnel to develop various applications, but also facilitates developers to carry out various innovative applications of MATRIX. Bill Li once compared MATRIX with other chains that mainly focus on trading speed or a specific single feature, while MATRIX provides complete solutions. “It pays more attention to synergies among features and the ergonomic convenience. Bill Li mentions that “If we treat other chains as a production in the DOS era, which only support command control, then MATRIX supports graphic interface control and touch interface control like the Windows operating system does, which has encouraged more users and developers to use it.”

It’s just obvious that Bill Li and entire Matrix project is worth to be aware of and in my opinion, MATRIX team will definitely achieve their goal to present us with the actually working blockchain platform, which is not going to be only token traded value adding platform, but will provide with real world applied solutions which solve real world problems.

Resources: — Official website of Matrix AI Network




Matrix AI Network Russian community manager, miner, crypto world enthusiast.