Origin Stories, Issue #2 — What you Need to Know + Meet Guest Artist Siya Oum

Punks Comic
4 min readJun 10, 2022


Teaser from Origin Stories, Issue #2, drawn by Siya Oum.

After a short break, Origin Stories are back! Issue #2 focuses on the history of The Skull. From soldier to down-and-out drunk to muscle-for-hire to vicious-yet-loyal henchman; when The Skull’s path weaves with that of a familiar PUNKS villain it will be a match made in heaven… or hell, for those that cross them.

Pixel Vault is introducing a new minting dynamic for Origin Stories, Issue #2, bringing back the game theory that our community was built on. There will be no mint cost — instead collectors must burn 🔥 a copy of Origin Stories, Issue #1. Here’s the rundown on what to expect. 👇

  • Origin Stories are a deep-dive into individual PUNKS characters and how their stories weave together across time. Pixel Vault will focus on developing the backstories of each main character across 16 stories, one issue per character. We will be releasing Origin Stories in two sets; Issues 1–8 and Issues 9–16.
  • As teased in 10 Questions for GFunk, all future mints for the first set will use the same burn mechanic. Issues 2 through 8 will only be accessible via burns of other Origin Stories NFTs, making the total supply of all eight issues limited to 5,902 total comics (total copies of Origin Stories, Issue #1 currently in circulation).
  • You may only burn forward, and are allowed to skip issues (i.e. burn Issue #1 for Issue #3). Collectors will be unable to burn backward (i.e. cannot burn Issue #4 for Issue #2).
  • As a bonus for our dedicated collectors, we will offer a premium bound volume of all eight stories in the future to those who complete a full set of Origin Stories, Issues 1–8. Due to the limited supply of Origin Stories comics, the maximum number of physical collectibles for this first set will be well under 1,000.
  • Burning comics is a tough choice. Holders of Origin Stories, Issue #1 will be able to read Issue #2 in advance to decide whether to burn for the new comic. An early step towards our goal of making our stories more accessible.
  • Origin Stories, Issue #2 drops Monday June 13, 2022.

But wait, there’s more! Pixel Vault is proud to introduce our guest artist, Siya Oum, who drew Origin Stories, Issue #2. Siya has drawn for DC, Marvel, Boom, Image, and Aspen Comics, and has also created two of her own comics — Lola XOXO and Neo Wonderland. We reached out to Siya this week to discuss her background in comics, how she was introduced to PUNKS Comic, her thoughts on NFTs, and more.

Image courtesy of siyaoum.com

Pixel Vault: How were you introduced to the world of PUNKS Comic and Pixel Vault?

Siya Oum: I was introduced to the PUNKS by my comic book publisher friend, Josh [as in Pixel Vault Chief Storyteller Josh Blaylock]. He and I always wanted to work together on a project but our schedules never aligned up until this point. As a comic book creator for over ten years, I knew this was the perfect time to transition into the NFT market, with the perfect alignment of team, comic books, the project, and the genre itself. Coming from a printed medium and traditional art background, I always felt like digital art was valued less, for its scarcity, up until this point. Comics are a collector’s market, and it was only a matter of time before it merged with NFTs, which feels like a natural progression of the medium.

PV: How have you interpreted the world of PUNKS Comic for Origin Stories?

SO: PUNKS are both gritty and fun. I leaned towards vibrant colors, even with the characters having a darker undertone. The juxtaposition felt right for this Origin.

PV: Where do you draw inspiration from?

SO: In general, I draw a lot of inspiration from video games, comic books, film, manga, and of course, real life.

PV: Anything else you want to share to introduce yourself to our community?

SO: I am very grateful for the opportunity! NFTs were already confusing for most people to grasp, even for myself. I had a narrow focus on how comics have been created digitally for years, and the transition from printed books to digital is a hard “no” for many readers. Hearing about what NFTs were was exciting, as well as the uncertainty in where it could go. The past few months of being so accepted by everyone has made it easier to jump in, head first. It reminds me of all the truly passionate fans and creators in the comic book community in which, I’ve been privileged to be a part of.

Be on the lookout for more guest Origin Stories artists in the future!

If you have any questions, please contact us through our designated support channels listed below:

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more PUNKS stories coming soon.

