How to Enroll as a Purium Distributor in 5 Easy Steps

Peter Dorgai
5 min readDec 8, 2022


Purium has some of the most nutritionally dense and cleansing foods on the planet which many people are looking to as an alternative to their standard American diet.

Many people are also choosing to Enroll as a Purium Distributor as a great way to earn an extra side income or just receive discounts on some of the healthiest foods around.

Here is a step-by-step guide walking you through the Purium Enrollment Process and what you should be aware of before enrolling. This is one of the first steps towards starting your business with Purium.

How to Become a Purium Distributor in 5 Easy Steps

1. Use the official enrollment form

2: Choose Your Launch Pack

3: Setup Smart Order (Optional)

4: Complete Checkout

5: Build Your Business

Purium has made it really easy to be a distributor with them as they continue to focus on their online presence. You don’t have to know someone or be sold by someone to join, simply go to their enrollment form and fill out the application and you will now be able to start building your team and system.

When choosing your launch pack there are two main factors you want to consider. Do I want to start with enough products to gain my own experience with the product and share it with people? and Do I want to start my business small or go big?

Your smart order does two things, it helps you stay familiar with the product and be a living example of the benefits of Purium and it keeps you eligible for all the rewards and bonuses when starting your company.

Important! when completing your checkout, make sure to use “PURE50" as the referred-by code if you want to join a successful team and receive support when you need it while growing your Purium business. This code is available on a first-come first served basis.

Build your business and watch the money roll in. This part is optional, but it's always fun and feels good when you start to see the fruits of your labor after consistent work.

Purium Back Office

Frequently Asked Questions

What size launch package should I start with?

Purium Complimentary Launch Pack

Purium gives you the option of just starting with a $50 enrollment package that gives you the bare minimum you need to get into the system and start building a business. This does not include any products and gives you only 5 gift cards to start with.

The best value comes when you choose a launch package that comes with a product so you can feel the benefits yourself. I would recommend the transformation cleanse as a good complimentary launch pack because it gives you the experience of the most popular package Purium has to offer while giving you the materials you need to start your business.

How Does Puriums Gift Card System Benefit Me as a Distributor?

Puriums Gift Card Marketing System was brought about by David Litt who has a wealth of knowledge in the health foods MLM industry.

One of the biggest problems within the MLM industry is the friction between talking about the products and signing up someone to become a part of your team and is not always easy to know where to sign someone up and many people are discouraged and shy away because it's not really clear on how to lead someone to the product let alone signing them up.

In this day and age, most things are done online and if you don’t have the right online presence set up properly, you are going to have a hard time as a company

With the gift card marketing system, all people need to know is the Gift Card Code you registered with and the website to purchase the product. If the prospect truly understands there is a solution to their problems and they could get it very affordable, then it makes the process really easy.

Now, any future order your customer makes will give you a small commission because they used your Gift Card Code the first time. Now that is what I call passive income. Of course, it’s not always that easy, and everyone you give a gift card to is not going to rush to their computer to buy a power shake.

You will have to follow up and still do work on your end, but a lot of the friction is taken out of the process.

Why Should I Become a Distributor for Purium?

The biggest benefit to becoming a Purium Distributor is having a channel in which you can start a real business with a low startup cost. There are lots of businesses you can start and be successful at, but most of them require significant upfront legwork, like registering an LLC and setting up a business account.

Enrolling as a Purium distributor allows you to focus on talking about healthy foods to show people a healthier way of living and focusing on what is important. As a distributor, you also gain access to the product at the lowest possible price without having to maintain any kind of auto-ship.

Whenever I’m getting low on my power shake or vitamins, I just hop into my back office and order at the wholesale price. I use the products religiously myself. That’s another thing that’s important to think about when starting with a health company.

They have to be products that you could actually enjoy using because people can feel that you are sincere about the products you are talking to them about.

How To Make Money as A Purium Distributor?

The method that most MLM routes teach is going to your friends and family and telling them about the product and eventually getting them to signup. This method may work initially to get you a few signups and some ruined relationships. Here is a more in-depth article I put together explaining how to make money as a Purum distributor.

But let’s think of it for a moment, since when does any long-lasting and stable business generate its revenue from only friends and family? I know you could argue that you then tap into someone else’s network and start to grow that way but if that formula worked for all the people who have given an MLM business an honest try, then everyone would be in an MLM by now.

What you need is a steady stream of interested potential customers and prospects, and going to friends and family is not going to get you the growth and freedom you are looking for.



Peter Dorgai

As a fitness enthusiast, I share my thoughts on building a business with Purium and review my favorite Purium products.