How To Make Money Selling Purium as a Distributor

Peter Dorgai
5 min readDec 5, 2022


Make money as a Purium Distributor

Purium offers a wide range of products that are all focused on helping people live healthier lives. They have a wide range of health supplements, protein powders, vitamins, and more.

There are two ways to make money with Purium. You can sell the products and earn commissions or you can recruit people and earn commissions from their sales.

I am going to focus a little bit on both of these models, but in short, the commission-based model is more profitable and less competitive than the product-based model. , I got over a complete guide to starting your Purium business here. These are the steps you need to take to start earning money with Purium.

How To Make Money Selling Purium in 5 Steps:

Make Money as a Purium Distributor

Step 1: Enroll as a Purium Distributor

The first step to making money with Purium is to sign up as a distributor. Here is a guide with the details for enrolling as a Purium Distributor. This can be done by going to their website and filling out the form. You will then be contacted by an experienced distributor who will guide you through your first few days in the business.

Step 2: Write out your marketing plan

This is probably the most important part and most overlooked part at the same time. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to telling people about Purium to grow your business. The best method is to think about whether you like to blog, video, tweet, or Pinterest more, and incorporate that into your daily outreach.

Step 3: Be consistent and systematic with your method

It's important that you figure out a schedule and way to be consistent when you start to talk about Purium so that you can start to see results more quickly. It's always harder to gain momentum when you start and stop multiple times.

Step 4: Help the people who join your team

If you take the team-building route, it is important to express a genuine interest in the people that join your team and ask you if you can help them find their preferred method to talk about Purium.

Step 5: Watch the money roll in

This part is optional, but once you start to gain momentum and see the results of your consistent outreach, you can keep track of your monthly earnings in the backend portal and see the fruits of your labor.

How Much Money Can You Make Selling Purium?

To determine how much money you can make by selling Purium, it is important to take into account your own personal needs and goals.

There are many factors that can contribute to how much money you make when selling any product; including your own skillset and abilities, the type of package that you sell, and whether or not you have any marketing experience or knowledge about the product.

How to pick the RIGHT Business Partner if you plan on building a Purium Business:

There are many factors to consider when picking a Purium Partner.

The first thing is to find out if the person has a strong and successful Purium Business.

The second thing is to make sure that they have the skillset and knowledge of how to build a successful business, not just in Purium but in any other industry.

Lastly, you should make sure that they are trustworthy and reliable.

Is Purium an MLM Company?

Yes, Purium is an MLM company. MLM stands for Multi-Level Marketing. This means that Purium has a system in place where its distributors can recruit team members and help their team members to consistently live a healthy life by using the products or build a business by sharing the products.

What does Purium being an MLM mean for you?

It means that with Purium when you sign up to be a member, you can choose to get a premium starter Kit you have the choice to become a Purium Distributor and sell their health products.

You become a distributor when you help someone buy their own premium starter kit using your enroller link. You then make a commission off of your personal sales volume and a commission on the sales made by those in your downline.

Not everyone who buys a premium starter kit decides to sell Purium products.

How Much Does It Cost to Join Purium?

Joining Purium does not have to be expensive, you can simply join as a member and start by using the products.

However, if you want to start building Purium as a business, I would recommend their starting package comes with products you can start using as well as introductory business materials like gift cards for potential clients, customers, and partners.

The starting package is around $200 to join Purium as there are a variety of different package levels available, typically, the bigger the package, the more you will get out of it.

There is a monthly purchase requirement to stay eligible for your commissions which is about $50.

The higher-level memberships have a higher monthly fee but also provide some additional benefits like discounts and free shipping on products.

Is selling Purium for me?

This was the question I asked myself after three months of using Purium Products and wanting to adopt a whole new healthier lifestyle.

I realized I was developing a routine with healthy foods, which is a good thing! And I’m also a true Entrepreneur at heart.

I had spent the last 10 years creating an amazing catering business that had me traveling to businesses locations for some top companies

Now with two kids, I was ready to refocus my energy on being a dad.

But I knew I needed an outlet for my Entrepreneur side to feel content and I really wanted to build a business for my kids to take over someday.

Once I took a look at the Compensation Plan for Purium, I realized that selling health products from home could be a great outlet for me.

10 Reasons to Become a Purium Distributor

  • You want to be your own boss
  • You love using organic health products
  • You want to create your own work schedule
  • You want to get your health products paid for
  • Your Purium Business is Will able, so you can pass it down to your family
  • You love helping others
  • You want to work from home
  • You want to create a residual income with no limits
  • Now is the perfect time to join Purium as it is a thriving and growing company with great growth on the horizon.

For me it was all these reasons above plus, I Love Purium products! I would use them whether or not I made a dime. And, I love talking with people just like me about the health benefits of Purium products.



Peter Dorgai

As a fitness enthusiast, I share my thoughts on building a business with Purium and review my favorite Purium products.