Cain and Abel: One Lied and One Died

Here’s what we know about the two brothers who changed the world forever

Purple Lydia
4 min readSep 5, 2023
Image provided by Purple Lydia via Jasper AI

Adam and Eve had many children. But we only know the names of three of their sons. This article will focus on the first two sons of Adam and Eve: Cain and Abel. Their story and the event that changed the world forever is found in the book of Genesis.

What we don’t know

Facts are scarce about the first siblings named in the Bible. For instance, we don’t know the age of either one when they are first introduced in Scripture. We don’t know how many years separated their births. We don’t even know what kind of relationship they had with each other.

Let’s take a look at what the Bible reveals about the first brothers mentioned in Scripture.

Image provided by Purple Lydia

Cain, the world’s first big brother

Here’s the lowdown on Cain:

  • He is the first person named in Scripture who was born from a sexual union. (Remember, his parents had no parents. They were both literally hand-made by God).
  • He was a farmer, just like Adam.
Photo by Kamala Bright on Unsplash
  • He presented a portion of his crops as an offering to the Lord but was rebuffed. The Bible doesn’t give a specific reason why. However, some Bibles note that a passage in Proverbs may shed light on the rejection of Cain’s offering. There are also other hypotheses.
  • Cain’s feelings of rejection morphed into anger. He was the first angry person mentioned in the Bible.
Photo by Randy Laybourne on Unsplash
  • His anger drove him down the wrong path. So, God lovingly warned Cain about his attitude. The Lord even suggested an opportunity for a do over. Cain (in effect) said “Nah.”
  • As a result, he became the world’s first murderer. And Cain didn’t accidentally kill his brother. It was a premeditated act. This act of violence changed the world forever.
  • He was the first human to lie to God.
  • Cain was the third person to sin against God. (His parents held the first and second spots).
  • He was also the third human to ever be punished by God.
  • What was his punishment? God cursed Cain so that the ground would never again bear crops for him — no matter how hard he worked. Recall that Adam’s curse was that it would be difficult to bring forth food from the earth — not impossible, like Cain’s curse. Cain was also doomed to be a “fugitive and a wanderer” on the earth.
  • Cain had the nerve to complain about his punishment. Meanwhile, he showed zero remorse for killing his brother.
  • He was afraid that he’d be killed. So God mercifully protected Cain by marking him. It served as a warning: anyone who killed Cain would receive a “sevenfold punishment.” For ages people have speculated about the mark of Cain. No one really knows what it was.
  • Cain headed east, away from his parents. He settled in the land of Nod.
  • He married and had a son named Enoch.
  • Murder was in the family line. It seems fitting that one of Cain’s descendants, Lamech, became the second murderer in human history.
Image provided by Purple Lydia via Jasper AI

Abel, the first little brother in the Bible

There is even less information about Adam and Eve’s second son. Here is what the Bible reveals:

  • Abel was the second person named who was born.
  • He was the first of many shepherds in Scripture. Notables who also were shepherds include Moses, King David, and the prophet Amos.
Photo by Tonia Kraakman on Unsplash
  • Abel offered the firstborns from his sheep. The Lord accepted his gift.
Photo by David von Diemar on Unsplash
  • He was the world’s first murder victim. The incident was also the first human-on-human act of violence in Scripture. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be the last.
  • Abel was the first person to die an unnatural death in the Bible.
  • He is mentioned in a number of other places in Scripture. In the book of Matthew Jesus called him “righteous.” In the book of Luke he is called a prophet. In the book of Hebrews, he is the first person listed in the Hall of Faith — a list of people who exhibited exemplary faith in God. Also included in Hebrews is a reference to his murder.
  • The last mention of Abel in the book of Genesis was spoken by Eve, his mother. When another son was born (Seth) she remembered that God replaced the son she lost.

If you enjoyed this one, read my article about Jesus and his half-siblings here. Or, check out this one ‘Is It Possible to Sell Your Soul?’ here. Subscribe so you don’t miss an article.

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Purple Lydia

Trying to be the salt and the light every day. Kindness counts. So does being grateful. Still learning...