Deep Dive Spirituality: Speak Any Sacred Language Syllable and Supercharge Your Spiritual Practice.

Purusha Radha
6 min readOct 18, 2023


Religious Christians have it right. They make powerful prayers “in the name of Jesus.” Calling on Jesus to assist is harnessing the energy and power of a Divine Name.

Most people pretty much only invoke the name of Jesus Christ in prayer or affirmation.

But religious Christians aren’t the only ones who do it. Metaphysically minded people also invoke the name of Jesus in their affirmations.

The great New Thought writer Florence Scovell Shinn offered many decrees “in the name of Jesus Christ.”

Seeming impossible doors now open, seeming impossible channels are free, in the name of Jesus Christ.


All fear is now banished in the name of Jesus Christ, for I know there is no power to hurt.

Many know the Sacred Name holds great energy — the power of high frequency to create and protect.

The Five Sacred Languages of Enlightenment

The name Jesus is derived from the Greek form of Joshua or Iesous. It was an attempt to translate the actual sacred Aramaic language name of Jesus — Jeshua, Yeshua, Yoshua — into Greek.

There are five sacred languages. Greek isn’t one of them but Jesus still holds much of the vibration of the original Yeshua.

The five sacred languages of enlightenment are Hebrew (Aramaic), Egyptian (hieroglyphic), Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese.

These are the original languages of very early recorded history.

According to The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch¹ by J. J. Hurtak, these sacred languages were given to humans on Earth so that they could:

enter directly into a Master’s consciousness through a mental time warp.

(I’ll be referring to The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch from this point forward by its abbreviated name, The Keys of Enoch. It’s not the same book as The Book of Enoch.)

Simply put, a mental time warp is a vortex of energy.

We can also describe it as a mental magnetic grid system. Think of the grid that energy meridian and acupuncture points form to create a sort of energy map in the body. The mental magnetic grid would be similar but in the mind, of course.

The Keys of Enoch says:

These languages form a grid connecting the Higher I Am consciousness of Light with the human I Am consciousness of Light through a cosmic light vibration.

So invoking a Divine Name in any of the five sacred languages immediately charges us with the energy of God the Infinite.

We perform alchemy when we speak holy words in any of the five sacred languages.

This story of Moses illustrates the power of sacred language.

Moses, master architect of Egypt, developed great compassion for the Hebrew slaves. Before he even knew he was one of them, he remembered his roots on a soul level.

Generous, kind and goodhearted to all, Moses created fertile ground within himself to accept his own Christhood.

And one night he had a spiritual integration experience in which he realized his Christ.

In slumber, he saw a great Light shine above him. It was his Christ calling to him. In that lucid experience, he accepted his Christ and arose the next morning a different person.

He walked into a courtyard and saw a Hebrew slave being beaten mercilessly. It hurt him to the core.

He didn’t yet realize his now resurrected power. Nor did he completely understand who he had just become. He blurted the Egyptian words:

Rashin so la pheet!

And the Egyptian who had been tormenting the slave fell dead to the ground. Every bone in his body was broken. His blood was at boiling point.

Moses himself was shocked. Back then, maybe the Egyptians didn’t realize their language was sacred and extra powerful.

Moses had instinctively used the power of alchemy with his sacred language decree. But he had caused a death.

He only wanted to stop the beating but he didn’t understand how to channel his full on Christ energy. And so he unintentionally caused the Egyptian to die.

Here we have an allegory cautioning us to be aware of the awesome power of the sacred language. We have to learn how to use it while focusing its potent energy consciously and wisely.

You don’t have to be able to speak the entire sacred language.

You can invoke complete words or sentences if you know them or just the seed syllables making up the words.

Every word in a Sanskrit or Tibetan mantra, for example, is composed of sacred seed syllables.

Om So Hum.

This is a Sanskrit mantra meaning I am That. Three seed syllables make up the mantra.

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha.

Om Gam Ga na pa ta ye Na ma ha.

This one’s a Sanskrit mantra we invoke to make our way through obstacles. Each syllable is a sacred language seed syllable.

Whether you speak a syllable, word, Name or sentence, something highly mystical happens.

Advanced forms of intelligence in the celestial realms come to you through your crown seal. Called the sahasrara² in Sanskrit, your crown seal spinning vortex of energy is located at the top of your head. It allows Light and energy to flow in and out and most especially connects you to God the Infinite.

The Keys of Enoch calls these advanced forms of intelligence the Higher Evolution or Higher Intelligence.

Speaking any of the five sacred languages immediately activates communication channels between you and the Higher Intelligence.

Messages, Light and codes from the Higher Intelligence begin flowing into your third eye or ajna chakra. Ajna comes from the sacred Sanskrit language and Vedic tradition. It conveys the summoning of perception and meta-wisdom. Many people call it the sixth or third eye seal.

The Light channeled to you from the Higher Intelligence forms a pyramid of three ‘jewel-crystals’ in your ajna vortex of energy or third eye.

Texts in the Egyptian pyramids speak of the true child of God who channels Light through the crystal pyramid of the third eye.

This crystalline pyramid in the third eye does three things.

  1. It acts as a communication touchstone.
  2. It measures the intensity of light you radiate.
  3. It allows the Celestial to nourish your Spirit with higher thoughtforms.

Your third eye and crown seal harmonize with each other. Now you can project and receive higher thought vibrations of Light.

In fact, The Keys of Enoch tells us that this holy practice activates thoughtform potentials in units of 10 to the tenth power. That’s how powerful it is.

Speaking sacred words or syllables connects your third eye crystal pyramid to shine Light outward and bring Light in.

And this activates the eighth meta-spiritual seal (or chakra). It’s called the soul star or in Sanskrit, it’s the viyapini seal. This seal floats several inches above the top of your head or sahasrara (crown seal).

Viyapini means ‘that which is present everywhere’ or ‘omnipresence.’ It is the eternal Light always floating over your head.

This eighth seal channels Light into your aura and physical body. Your seven chakra stations of energy control or regulate this Light energy.

The viyapini eighth seal unifies your Overself with your physical body.

Did you know that your human physical body exists to be an energy center of Divine Light?

Every time you speak even a seed syllable of a sacred language you receive an enormous boost of Light energy and wisdom.

Take your spiritual practice, decrees and meditations higher. Learn more more about the five sacred languages, seed syllables, Sanskrit mantras and the Divine Names.

The five sacred languages is a massive evolving topic. The article below follows this one.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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My Conscious Time Travel Book

¹ Hurtak, J. J. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch. United States, Academy for Future Science, 1987.

² A seal is a spinning vortex of energy which most people call a chakra. A chakra is actually the point where two lines of energy cross each other.

³ The seven vortices of energy (commonly called chakras) are muladhara/root, svadisthana/sacral, manipura/solar plexus, anahata/heart, vissudha/throat, ajna/third eye and sahasrara/crown. The first name mentioned here for each chakra is the sacred language Sanskrit.

